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Presidential Play

A member registered May 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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(7 edits)


Rimebell Express' Noonday Descent is best described as C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters lovingly translated into the language and iconography of the chronically online. Indeed, the author happily admits the connection, and encourages his readers to take this hearty theological work lightly, though with one important caveat - the reader is seriously admonished to resist the demonic attacks described within his work, so as not to become victims to them IRL.

If you read Noonday Descent, you will find a collection of entertaining yet thoughtful homilies (told in inverse by the very demons we seek to conquer) unafraid to offend for the sake of the theological point. I find myself most especially agreeing with its concept of longsuffering resistance against evil, both within and without. The only downside of this great work is its anonymity, seen only by the scant few searching for what it provides, and those they share it with. God willing, more online seekers will find Noonday Descent, with all its quirks and translational eccentricities from English into Net-speak.

Thank you!

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Fair point. Didn't have enough time to do that, it's my own fault for getting involved so late in the jam. That's why I wrote a short description with the goal and controls on the page, but I guess nobody reads that.

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Objectively untrue for other players. I've watched people play it live with perfect functionality. If it's broken it's a problem on your end, not mine. Vimino mentioned no such trouble on his Linux once the .pck solution was found. It's a dumb little game I made in less than 24 hours, but I will not have it slandered as non-functional when I have recorded proof of the contrary.

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Here you go. I ended up making it in the last 24 hours of the jam, so the game is quite barebones. Still, I highly recommend jumping around like you're playing tribes, it's great fun zooming around mountains planting bamboo mid-air! 

Glad you found a way to fix it, I told the other Linux user who was having trouble as well. Dashing with shift is even faster than the auto-jog and best for getting away from the BBs swiftly. Walking is for when you've got enough distance from them to breathe and plant bamboo peacefully.

That's on me Sosasees. Luckily Vimino found an easy solution:

"the one coming with the Windows version works as a replacement."

So, just download the windows file and use the .pck from it, you'll be good to go!

Another game, another unplayable mac version. I'm beginning to wonder if it's a problem on my end lol.

"“End Of Times” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash."

Even with a security override, it can't be opened. This isn't the first game with a mac version that doesn't work, so don't worry too much about it. I'll be on my PC later today, and I definitely wanna try your game out.

The macintosh version says it's damaged and cannot be opened. I feel for your technical difficulties, lmk if you get it fixed in time.

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The macintosh version doesn't want to open, unfortunately. I might try again on my PC later.

Great tool, great creator! Would be great if he put up the downloads for the outdated mac and Linux versions. There are some folks I know who'd love to have this application, even if it has fewer features than the PC version.

I agree, nodeg. I made it in the last 24 hours of the jam, so sacrifices had to be made. It functions as a game, but it definitely doesn't have enough content to do more than toss Ben over mountains for a few fun minutes.

I only made the game within the last 24 hours of the jam, so I kept it simple. You're a guy who wants to plant bamboo, and there's some bonzais that want to stop you. Luckily, you have the gift of being able to run and jump very, very well.

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Edit: The bugfix has been pushed. Have fun!