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A member registered May 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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This is sooooo good. I don't know how I missed it when ratings were open. Congrats on the fantastic game. 😎

Cool idea for the attack drawing mechanic and I like the visuals! I thought the reboot mechanic felt a little harsh but I got used to it after a couple of tries. Good job on the submission 😎

The combat was pretty fun! Nice game! 😎

Thanks for playing!

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for playing 😎

I was promised someone inside the bedroom and that's what I got. Was not disappointed!

Love the environment you made! It would have been nice to have all keys/orbs spawn at once rather than sequentially as I had to backtrack a lot. Nice job on the submission!

Thanks for playing and glad you liked it!

This was cool! The gameplay loop kept me engaged. I enjoyed it. Nice work! 😎

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it!

Short and sweet! It took me a few tries to get used to it but I did it! Nice work! 😎

Wow - so simple, focused, and polished. Good work! 😎

Cool game! It was a bit difficult for me but I enjoyed it nonetheless!

I love the concept of this game! Nice job on the submission! 😎

Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing! 😎

Thanks for playing and glad you enjoyed it! 😎

Cool game! I love the neon 80s vibe. The environment was really nice. Good job on the submission!

Thanks for playing and glad you liked it!

The shooting felt solid! Love the environments. The instant death felt a little harsh and sadly I didn't get to experience the whole game. Nice work on the submission though! 😎

Love the cute visuals and sounds. The instant death felt a little harsh, but it was fun. Great job on the submission! 😎

I didn't know what I was doing at first but I had fun once I found a weapon! Love the character and the ridiculous everything. Great job! 😎

This was a lot of fun! I was horribly bad at it using only a trackpad but the difficulty curve felt good. I love the story too! Nice work. 😎

Wow this is cool! I liked the visuals. The puzzle mechanics were clever! Nice work!

Nice job! Cool mechanics and nice story! I managed to complete the game! 😎

Good job on the submission and nice work creating your own assets! 😎

This was cool - I found it interesting to experiment with the different settings and see what would happen. Nice work!

The visuals and overall presentation was great. Well done!

Glad you enjoyed it! It's not just you, half the commenters and I agree too. But alas I didn't have time. A lot of refinement could have been done with the mechanics, scoring and win condition but I had to prioritise. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! 😎

Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you liked it! 😎

Thanks for playing! 😎

I made a conscious effort to limit the scope so that I had time to do life stuff outside of the jam. And I think it sort of worked! Thanks for playing!

Yep you got the maximum score. So you basically won the game! Some refinement of the scoring and mechanics was needed but I ran out of time. thanks for playing!

Fun game! A nice take on the tower defence genre. Great work creating the assets too. Congrats on the submission!

This was very cool, loved the 1 bit graphics. The entire presentation was very polished and the story was funny! For a while I didn't realise I could move the camera but I got it eventually. Nice work!

Love the artwork. The story was funny. A great game! I had fun playing 😎

Well done, a nice short and sweet horror game. The visuals and sounds were great and you nailed the atmosphere. Great work!

Love the whimsical feel of this game! The "lady indicator" in the how to play guide made me chuckle. The name generator for the babies was a nice touch. The game was hard but fun! Great work!

Thanks for the nice feedback and glad you had fun! 😎