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A member registered Aug 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Why is the publication of the results delayed? 

pretty funny way of fighting melee. well done.

this gives me some serious baba is you vibes. great puzzler!

space arcade game. very addicting! leave a comment and I will check out your game as well! browser version in comments.

space arcade game. very addicting! leave a comment and I will check out your game as well! browser version in comments.

space arcade game. very addicting! leave a comment and I will check out your game as well! browser version in comments.

space arcade game. its pretty hard but rewarding

Nice, round based combat. Haven't seen that in this gamejam before. Cool game.

your are right. our games are pretty similar :) the squish effect is awesome. well done!


I didn't modify the game, only built it for HTML5.

Thanks for the nice comment. I will try and experiment with the shipsize (and collisions) a bit.  I used raycasts for collision detection and just eyeballed the ray lengths. 

Interesting implementation of melee combat. Well done.

space arcade game. very addicting! leave a comment and I will check out your game as well! browser version in comments.

dude, thats awesome :D

(1 edit)

Very clever platformer! Well done. 2nd game I saw that used a very cool light mechanic. Damn, wish I would have thought about something like that :D

(2 edits)

Awesome platformer/puzzle game? Really liked it. Feels very polished. controls are not perfect for me, since y and z are swapped on my german keyboard. :)

space arcade game. very addicting! leave a comment and I will check out your game as well! browser version in comments.

I already rated your game :) I found it 1-2 days ago. Played it again and it still is a lot of fun :D 

Thats actually a great idea! Maybe I will add it if I keep developing this. Thank you for your feedback.

Interesting idea. Will test that switching change! And with that I will have to increase the gravity because the game will probably get too easy. Great feedback! Thanks for playing.

Funny game and looks great as well. Definitely worth trying.

Game looks fancy as fuck. Well done! I like the game in the game thing. Also funny in the beginning :D really didnt want to kill everyone :D

Fun concept and spooky atmosphere. Worth checking out. A little unfortunate, that you can die if an enemy spawns directly under you.

Great little game. The concept of the king dying if he can not catch his crown again is really cool. 

Very cool game with pretty good AI enemies. Restarting after death was a tick too long. Other then that. Great job!

Great game. feels very polished. catchy music and a fun concept. well done!

dude, thats absolutely amazing :D

LOL, saw your post in the "Whats the hackiest thing you did". This is hands down the best hack ever xD! Awesome music btw.

(1 edit)

I only have one 1x1 pixel texture in my game. Everything you see in my game consists out of multiple stretched squares with the same black 'texture' and 3 different transparency levels. I am not good at drawing sprites :D

now I know how an A*-algorithm feels like :)


Very creative game! Awesome concept. Very original. Very fitting for the theme. Please check this one out. It deserves more than the 6 ratings it currently has.

I didnt like the delay of input (press button -> release button -> then sound plays). I know it is harder to recognize the morse inputs directly, but it is certainly possible. Otherwise, brilliant idea! Well fitting for the 'only one' theme. Very original. And you can even learn a few things about morse code. Awesome! Hope this gets in the top 100!

Interesting platformer with only one platform. Worth checking out!

Interesting platformer with only one platform. I like it! Didnt see the red meteorites the first time I died to them :) Well done.

no problem. aah I already found your game yesterday I think. pretty cool idea for a puzzle game!

ah nice. so you definitely know a few things about chess :D 

can you post a link to it?

Interesting survival hack and slay. Was a little laggy for me in the browser version.