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A member registered Apr 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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I kept left clicking on the green node to bring up the connection menu. And then when I was moving a node, I kept wanting to left click to confirm the location instead of right click

Thanks for playing! Its a crushed soda can!

Wow, I absolutely love this! It's incredibly inspirational to see how much you can convey with something so simple. I honestly teared up at the end

Great visuals and funny idea! I suck at jumping puzzles!

Great game! Really funny and I got almost all the achievements! You can tell you really put your heart into it!

Absolutely gorgeous aesthetic and great music. Definitely a start for something very interesting. I had a really hard time figuring out the controls and gameplay. It took me forever to figure out it was right click to move the ships and not left click. The menu for the ship constructor was one square off from what I expected? I'm also not sure where the time gate was.

The ghost is so cute! There is just something really fun about being a ghost. I admit I zoned out a bit in the beginning because the AI voice was so monotone.

Seems like a good start, I hope you have the chance to finish it!

Very funny game, you really captured the awful boss well! I didn't realize that answering the question was timed, it would be nice to have a UI timer on that screen so you know how much time is left!

Connecting the nodes is pretty satisfying! For some reason, I kept messing up the controls and I got stuck on the level right after the tutorial.

Interesting idea! I agree with the other reviewer that I expected my production to go up more quickly!

Gorgeous visuals! Can't wait to see more of your work!

Thank you for playing! I'm not familiar with that movie but I will check it out!

Neat idea! So much variety! Some of the mini games are really hard!

Thank you! I just tested yours out too, very nice!

The effect when you lick the fairies is really cool! It would be nice to have an indicator on what is clickable, its hard to tell! It would also be nice to be able to use WASD to move the objects as well as the arrow keys! Lots of fun possibilities for puzzles!

Interesting concept! I like the art, definitely hard to concentrate on both at once!

Turning the corner was cool!

I love the dancing cow! I had a really hard time understanding the controls but it looks like you guys put in a ton of work, nice job!

Interesting idea! It would be nice to have a little time to prepare my turrets before the wave starts!

The art is so cute! I love the theme! It's really hard to tell if my attack is actually hitting the enemies and it's hard to avoid their attack (the tell needs to happen a little sooner!)