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A member registered May 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Felt really nice to place but i was starting to get confused on why was there so many chests in one place just for them to all be empty

Thanks for the feedback but by any chance did you read the description and try building towers their prices are more affordable and the gun was more for a showcase that i have a gun system. But ye my bad for not explaining more in the game itself

My left ear loved it :D. Neat concept tho!

It would heavily benefit from some hit effects or indications apart from that great little game!

The sounds and the wackiness of this game are incredible :D

Nice puzzle game. I don't know if i had this issue alone but it was a bit hard to connect the cables i had to walk backward with the character to push in the cable into the slot. Apart from that great submission!

It looks interesting but the difficulty could be slightly adjusted and more enemies introduced a bit slower. Overall nice submission!  

Well designed game. If there is any complains is that you can reset your jump if you touch the sides or the walls of the platforms i don't think that's intentional since it made some of the puzzles a bit easy. Otherwise nice submission!

Creative idea executed really well! Enjoyed playing it and got to the end!

I liked the music and the parallax background. I feel like that the character could have moved a bit faster. Otherwise idea executed well!

Got to the in five tries it was nice experience. The controls and ambience was especially nice.  Sometimes i did wish it had a engine sound for the bike but i was torn apart would it mess up this serene game or add to it :D

Creative twist but nerves cannot :D

Interesting game

Great submission impressed how much you managed to do after just starting your gamedev journey! 

Great aesthetics, fun gameplay seems really polished. Great submission

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for feedback! At this point enough people complained and especially your comment of getting dizzy made me realize that i do need to hotfix it and a sensitivity slider so that all people can play it. Thanks for the feedback! 

I got to making a tower defense game just because i love arknights. So i set out to make one no matter the theme.  In the end instead looking how to make it more synergetic i just wanted to work :D. But your feedback gives me great ideas thank you so much!

Thanks for checking out the game! Ye the movement in top down perspective was really left at just whatever since time to upload was creeping up but it would definitely be a thing to fix!

Damn i wish i thought of them while making them game great feedback thank you!

Thanks for checking it and for the feedback!

Tooltips only come up if you hover over the turret you want to place in the top down view but again that's my bad for nothing having a proper explanation in the game itself. Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for the feedback! Ye i was pushing pretty thin on my time finishing the game so didn't have much time to tweak the difficulty and just put it up as i felt was just challenging enough for myself the common trap of testing out too much :D

Placing just 2x2 at first playthrough confused me cuz it seemed so optional if i just place bunch of 2x2 cubes and get bunch of score since they dont die out and just stay there till the end. i dont know is that indented or not

pretty challenging game, collisions were a bit sensitive.

Nice particle effects and sound effects. Enjoyed the puzzles. Nice submission!

Thank you for checking out my game and the feedback next gaming is definitely getting sensitivity option :D

Once i got used to the controls drifting felt super satisfying and the music really fitted this game. Nice submission.

Music and sound in this game really made it feel like a mystical forest. The aiming was a bit of putting but the more you shoot the more used to it. Great submission

Great entry felt really polished.

The wall jump is so satisfying the whole game could have been that :D Encountered a weird bug where i was on ladders everything explode i change dimensions at the time and everyone died and player character survived it got me stuck in the level. Apart from that pretty fun

Since you can only hold one weapon you had to throw away your pistol with Q and pick up the rifle with E but thats on me for not having any instructions in the game asides from the description on the page. Thanks for checking the game out!

Really like the camera movement in the game and the player controls are very smooth.

The sounds of the game was extremely loud but the game it self does what it sets out to do . Nice submission

Thank you for checking my game out too!

It was pretty fun game and the music is stuck in my head now :D some indication of how close the people are would be nice either a sound or indicator and some of the holes were kinda confusing on where they got me cuz it felt like being teleported to the same place from the other whole

Was just looking on what next to play here is my game check it out:

Loved the small cutscenes. The visuals felt nostalgic and theme was executed really well. Great Job

The bug still persists

For what the goal of the game would be nice