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A member registered Dec 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Look at the #1 winner for GameOff 2023, it has 9 ratings and 4 of the accounts in the comments were made the day of submissions with 0 past history. There's 0 moderation in this jam the admins clearly don't care about fairness or competition and are unwilling to do any due diligence to run this jam. It's really shameful to the people that spent many hours of hard work and it's a bad look for all game jams. GitHub should be ashamed they used their big name to attract so many people to a game jam they weren't prepared to properly execute. Look at GameDev.js, they have clear rules, review the final results before publishing it, implement a proper score curve for games with low review counts, and search for bad entries and obviously fake accounts. GitHub should stop using their name to pedal their software in an area they don't understand and seem to think anyone can run a jam with no effort needed

The self destruct sequence was pretty dope

I like the art style goes well with the theme, nice

Lovely art, the little bee butler and his outfit is cute. Took me a minute to understand that the lamps charge you, I would suggest adding a gauge that shows you have much charge you have left and letting the lamps recharge it even if you're currently lit, as opposed to forcing you to completely run out before beginning the timer again. Nice job!

Music choice 5/5, ms paint art 10/10, lore writing "I am your father"/10

I rate this game high in innovation and gameplay feels good. The theme though is a bit wild lol

Really solid game all around, my only complaint is that I would occasionally get stuck on a wall when moving horizontally to it. Which can be big problem when you're trying to hug the walls but don't want it to stop you from moving and make u take a hit. Love the roguelite style, big levels, and progression system

Ah crap you are right, it's down-scaled to 80%, I thought it was using my PC URP preset, but it was using the mobile one. The mobile preset also had other issues like an extra post processing volume, no anti-aliasing, etc. Dang wish I could re-submit with it in it's full graphical fidelity glory RIP

Makes sense, yeah firefox does tend to create some issues from time to time

Do you know how to do that in Unity WebGL? I thought it scales to size of the window when full screened, is there a way to expose different resolution scaling options in the settings?

Lmao thanks man, yeah I need to change the boundaries from the spawn to not use rigid bodies and physics or else the office gets loose pucks running around seeing parts of the 3D environment they weren't suppose too

Pretty sick tower defense game, I like the graphics and the bullet hell part. I found a glitch where after firing the laser the audio kept playing endlessly

Loved the graphics, theme and gameplay was fun. Got a little repetitive. Similar category as Gleep Gym

Cute and feels good, I didn't really understand where to go from the tower tho

I just got downed in tomato town, yeah fortnight we bout to get down

All around solid game, I got a bit frustrated with the movement overshooting the turns sometimes but good game

Simple but well executed, the art looks great. It's fun to chase those little dudes around. Nice work, no audio though

Probably the best graphics I've seen in the jam so far, I love the style and models. I had performance issues where it would freeze at certain points though

Pretty cool and ambitious game but needs some polishing of the basics like hit boxes and movement. I killed all the mobs and flipped all the switches but nothing seemed to happen maybe I missed something?

I played the none broken build but when I got to the twitter account I couldn't figure out how to progress from there. Are we supposed to run that code snippet and input the generated password or something?

Game play wells, solid execution all around

Nice simple game, I noticed right clicking in the window opens the browser context window so might be good if there was some kind of cursor lock

Solid game, great job with the theme interpretation. I always  seemed to get negative happiness idk if I'm just bad or what 

Really great game, my only feedback is I think the movement could be a little more responsive it feels like the acceleration adds a delay. Graphics and gameplay are really good

Controls and physics felt good, good puzzles, nice job!

Visually adorable, the sound effects are cute, solid entry

Still tryna cap out that timer...

The mechanics that are there, movement, shooting, visuals, etc are all really good could be something solid

Sick graphics and vibe I like this type of grind mob get stronger game. I wish it was a bit easier to hit enemies, seems like the hit boxes are finicky and same with picking up coins

Game looks dope, you can really get hella zoomin but there's nothing that really keeps you on the track vs just driving around all the obstacles haha

x_x , intention was multiplayer 13 days wasn't enough time lol

Visuals goes hard, gameplay goes hard, music goes harder

Feels really good when you nail that delivery without any crashes, super satisfying which always a good sign for a game

I like the graphics and the controls feel good but I was having performance issues on firefox. Some issues with the game freezing/hiccuping

Art is good, needs some more mechanics. I like the lighting sounds

I like when games experiment with none standard control schemes, this is neat

Simple but fun, I wish there was a mode that let me play longer like 100 lives or something

Well executed looks good and is fun. I couldn't figure out how to launch my ship once I got full power though?

Really great game, and educational as now I can learn the European countries, states of the US would be fun too

I found her lol. Pretty neat I wish the camera looked up more or you could move it though