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Warning to anyone thinking about joining this jam

A topic by LeviathanLaw created 38 days ago Views: 19
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Look at the #1 winner for GameOff 2023, it has 9 ratings and 4 of the accounts in the comments were made the day of submissions with 0 past history. There's 0 moderation in this jam the admins clearly don't care about fairness or competition and are unwilling to do any due diligence to run this jam. It's really shameful to the people that spent many hours of hard work and it's a bad look for all game jams. GitHub should be ashamed they used their big name to attract so many people to a game jam they weren't prepared to properly execute. Look at GameDev.js, they have clear rules, review the final results before publishing it, implement a proper score curve for games with low review counts, and search for bad entries and obviously fake accounts. GitHub should stop using their name to pedal their software in an area they don't understand and seem to think anyone can run a jam with no effort needed