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A member registered Apr 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Damn, this one was actually really cool. I thought it was super sick when the lights turned off and I had to use my brain again.

Haha cheers. 3D web games do kinda rock

What a sick game. Everything was done well! Music was a vibe, controls felt smoove and responsive, and mechanics worked well! 

Unfortunately quite broken. It looked like a bit of fun otherwise

Fun game, spooky. Glad I could eat the old codger in the end.

Nice work putting this together! Was good fun to play around with

Unfortunate that it wasn't able to made further. Looks promising though, hope you publish to more jams!

Did not have fun, wasted all my time, beat the game and raged. Now I only have 2 of 3 monitors left, you owe me one.

5/5 stars

Nice little game. Was nice trying to get stronk. But it started to feel empty after a while and lost it's satisfaction. Then it kinda broke, and the circles were the sizes of planets and bugged out, lol

Traumatized. Worth it

This was really cool! I just didn't enjoy how slowly you moved while in balloon mode. I probably would have tried to collect all of the cake, but it was just such a drag to go back and forth across the whole level.

Other than that, the controls were simplistic and easy to use, and the atmosphere was really nice! The colours are great, too, whoever did colours needs a raise.

Not a bad concept. Controls not being very well explained are a real issue though and I could barely read the X above the lever, too.

I do like the idea of having to switch hammers for different challenges, but I never felt the need to build anything, and didn't even realize that breaking boxes adds them to your inventory until I was about to walk out the door!

Well done on the rage game, lmao. I couldn't handle much more than the first stage. The controls just seemed way too unresponsive for how quick and hard hitting all the enemies were. Conceptually I was actually really excited to play when I saw the very first tutorial room and the switching of elements. 

The animation for the spell wheel needs to be way faster. I don't think it requires you to wait, but it makes it feel sluggish.

Also, if there's a maximum range that you can cast, I think it needs to be displayed somehow, a lot of the time spells failed to cast and I wasn't entirely sure why.

Still, great work! This genuinely looks like a lot of fun to play, if it wasn't so brutal.

I got 1001. Totally didn't find an exploit, 100% legit 1001 score.

Jokes aside, good work! I think I noticed that the only lose condition is if the last cake placed goes beyond the abyss. If you keep clicking and creating tiny cakes, it doesn't seem to care that other ones would fall. Like others have said, some challenge would have been nice, but its a good concept.

Hey, cheers for the response! Good feedback too. Glad to hear your point of view on that! I'm pretty sure I rushed it out on the final day, so it certainly could have used more love and care, that's for sure.

Daaaamn man, the playground had it all. I've seen your comments on how you intended size to be use for getting faster speeds, but you missed so much in my opinion. 

I was cruising through each level like "haha, more like, size dOESn'T mAtter" as I was beating them all without adjusting. When I hit the playground and saw the uneven terrain parts I just thought "where was all this?!".

I personally don't want to include the playground as a part of the overall game experience, as it seems more like a dev testing tool, or extra feature. But man, if you added those uneven parts throughout the levels that actually required you to adjust mid race, would be really sick.

Another thing I expected, and honestly the only reason I changed size once, was cause I saw the sand, and the sign saying it behaved differently, so I thought "ahh, this is where we be big, right?" thinking the little car was just gonna get immediately bogged down. Naturally I tested both big and small, and I truly think that's a missed opportunity as well.

Bumps, Tunnels, Jumps, Narrow passages. These could have all drastically changed the use of the theme for the better.

Also the scenery of the playground! It felt so much more alive than the real tracks!

Sorry for the yap, overall great game. Car controls were okay, but it felt a little rubbery, and drifting counter-steered way too aggressively.

Not gonna lie, I was playing this one for quite some time. The theme is a little weak, but omg, could I switch off my brain and just go zoomies, lmao. I just didn't enjoy how easy it is to get stuck on stuff.

Good work on getting it submitted! But it really needed a lot more work on it.

I managed to beat it, but it really is a bit of a grind to get to the top. Enemies are way too tanky for how slow you shoot and how many there are. You shouldn't have to retreat back down an elevator and trick the AI to slide down the hallway to try again. I was also able to lure all the enemies down using the spawn point side of the building. Having enemies only become enabled when you reach their floor would be a good way to make sure they don't all coagulate on one level and make it almost impossible to get through without a tedious series of kiting underneath them.

Even during their death animation, they behave the same until they completely disappear. It'd be good to disable all their behaviors during while theyre dying, as it's quite frustrating that they eat your valuable bullets (in terms of time) for no gain. That, and they can also still damage you when you've already killed them. 

I still had a bit of fun with this trying to play around with what I could break though

Jee, give this game a month of work and I can easily see it being a Miniclip-nostalgia tier game. It's already so well done! I was unable to find 2 pieces, in the end.

Amazing work on this!

Thank you very much!

Thanks glad you enjoyed playing! I also brought up Dog's Life with some friends not even a week ago too! Glad it tickled that bit of nostalgia, cause it certainly did the same for me while even making it. 

Grats on 44 too!There seems to be a bit of an average score around that level, I'm noticing.

Thanks, glad you had fun! Also glad it made you feel like a cat. That's all we wanted to achieve.

This was fun to play! I love the art style a lot, it's really neat. The mechanics of the game are pretty solid too, but the one thing I think you could improve on is teaching the player in a better way.

I normally dislike reading long tutorials and like to judge a game on how well it teaches me how to play without the use of an external guide, but I had no idea what was going on initially and had to refer back to the tutorial a few times before I understood it. I appreciate the effort to make the tutorial look pretty though!

The layout of the game is a bit confusing too. I think too many similar elements are spread across the screen and don't really correlate well to each other. Going from under the boss image, telling  you how much mana you need, to your card in the center, to the top right seeing how much you had, could all be done in a much more compact and readable area, in my opinion.

Very well done though!

This was hilarious to play. Really liked the soundtrack you chose for it, and the noises were all very well done. If only Godot's physics weren't so freakish, but it all adds to it!

Nice game

(1 edit)

Thanks for checking out our game! But yes, unfortunately due to time crunching we weren't able to properly test if you can eat all of the treats. So it's just about high scores and finding the best routes. However 100% may still be totally possible, hah. (Tested it recently, and you can indeed get 100%)

Thanks a bunch for playing!
I'm still hard at work on making improvements, and I might drop the updated version after submissions.
I'm just working on sounds and such for now, and it's taking me almost another week just for that. Buut, I'm not exactly going by a minimum requirement, due to there being no deadline, hah.

Yep, that's it.

I just wanna make a personal opinion here, for the future. I'm not sure what you have in mind for an "in depth tutorial" but I would say, do your absolute best to take out as much reading as possible.
There's definitely people that can be bothered reading lots, but there are also those who can't. Regrettably, I typically fall into the 'can't be bothered' section, especially if its within the first 5 seconds after I click play.
I find myself skipping a lot of sometimes important stuff in dialogue, or not reading helpful walls of text until I start to get frustrated. Which, ironically enough, was the fault of mine on Zenryoku's (original commenter here) game, lol.

One of the submissions in the jam, has a big issue with this.
There is so much writing, explaining everything, and I don't think I personally even read more than 2 full lines, and still learned how the game works.
So the way their game is designed, it's easy to figure out, but they still over explain a lot, and its rather intrusive.

So, I would highly suggest trying to design a tutorial using 0 words, first, the adding as few text where it's needed after. Then explain in detail things that might be interesting. Like, how hurricanes work and why things do stuff. But make it something the player can read if they want to, rather than including it in the main tutorial.

If you have new mechanics that get slowly introduced. A single easy level between real levels, that just basically shows the player what that new thing does, can be pretty helpful.
Rather than pausing the game, and giving a big old essay about how it works, just slam them in a spot where it's the only thing they can use and show them how it works.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for giving it a go!

(You can check another comment here, where I respond to most of these points)

I was a bit worried about the yellow and green buttons. As they're both tucked away, and coming across them just requires a bit more investigation, which I can get many people wont necessarily wanna do when going through jam submissions.
If you did wanna give it another go. The toilets in the cafeteria area have a timed button for the kitchen, then in the kitchen there's a hidden button behind the fridge.

As for the objective, I totally do need do that. I struggled with lore or story almost the entire duration. So until the last 2 days, I didn't even really have a goal in mind, so I scuffed together a "get this, go home" mechanic, and the path to it is just a button finding puzzle.
I kind of like the idea that you don't really know why you're there, but I do wanna fill the world with bits of clues and lore. But we'll see where all that goes.

Thanks for the feedback and review, appreciated. I'll definitely let you and others know if ever and whenever I update the game.

Thanks for giving it a try!

Yeaah, I'm real sad I couldn't get the time to go through audio and include some. I had a buddy who has sound packs and  there's a bunch of good ones there. But I just left the priority too late, and got super caught up making sure you could actually play from start to end, it just ate the last day of development. (only 11 minutes to spare once uploaded, lol)
It's definitely a priority though, and I'll be working on it asap.

Checkpoints too, same as above, really. I didn't get the time to research a decent way of doing it, but knew it was gonna be almost crucial that I included it. So it's a bit unfortunate that it shipped without them.

The pulling too, was a real quick and dirty job done early, that I just stuck with and got used to well developing. But was one I constantly wanted to improve. 

But thanks again for the feedback, I appreciate it!

Thanks for playing!
I was hoping to get a checkpoint system done on the last day, but I just couldn't squeeze in the time to learn how to do it, unfortunately. I know the game has a bit of length to it, and some tricky parts, so I knew it would be a big hindrance to have to restart over and over. :c
But I will definitely let people know when I update!

Hey, cheers for the feedback!
Yeaah it was a pretty scuffy addition for the pulling and I kinda left it as it was to get the rest done. It's one mechanic I'd like to rework to make it feel less, slippery and, weird.
For now it's just a raycast to determine where it pulls from. Then the arms just slap onto that point for the illusion.

Hey, all power to the movement. Environmentalist, woo.

(2 edits)

This has more enemy variety than Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart. Good work.
Lighting is a tad dark along the shadows. A global light or whatever can help with that. But otherwise, pretty decent project.

Real talk though. Change your cover image to the dude holding the gun, rather than the main menu. I had low expectations from your current one. Pleasantly surprised.

10/10 would shoot legs agen

Doood, I just played through it. I was just making my own personal ranking list, and yours is definitely going up higher, hah. Glad you could get it uploaded

Not sure if it's a wacky resolution thing, or if it's intentionally so small. But I just can't get close enough to see the boss at all, and the only way to win is to blind fire at the start.

Thanks! Yeah, the robot has speed, but stupidly enough I kinda designed it where a few deaths are likely when you don't know what to expect, or when you go the wrong way. But I didn't get around to working on a checkpoint system. That's in the brain bank though, and you bet your butt when its a feature, the game's getting harder.

Hey! Try disable "Compression Format" or set it to Gzip, if you havent. I had an issue where my screen was just black. But got it working with either of those settings.

Project Settings > Player > Publishing Settings > Compression Format

Would love to try this out and rate it, so respond here and I should get the notification!