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A member registered Aug 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yes, you can develop your own games, just don't use the name Hardware Tycoon in projects that aren't associated with me as that only serves to confuse people.


Hardware Tycoon will not be open source, please read the latest devlog.

(4 edits)


As in the FAQ:

What is Hardware Tycoon made in?

Hardware Tycoon is an HTML5 game made using Scirra’s Construct 2. Desktop versions run on nw.js.


Currently, the consensus is that pricing your CPUs at just over 2x the unit cost is the best. You will lose out on some score (the review will mention that the CPU could be cheaper) but it’s worth it for the higher price margin. You also have to remember about basic marketing and staying on top of the research (release more products or wait until the next year to unlock new research). Putting in the best specs for your CPU is usually the way to go with the exception of experimental dual-core, early PGAs, and clock speeds at the very limit of the used tech process’s capability.

If you’d like to know more, feel free to ask the community!

Unfortunately, the game does not support localization.

Getting a project ready for an open-source release is a herculean effort. I don't wish on my greatest enemy to have to decipher an 8-year-old spaghetti.
I'd much rather start on a new, much-improved game.
If Senzo (the artist) doesn't mind I can release the assets.


Create a new brand by clicking the confirm button, the one next to the textbox with the checkmark, first. You can then select any of your brands from a dropdown list.

Me too

the status is still

unfortunately, development is quite dead at the moment. I really want to release 0.3 at some point though.

Many reasons between running out of old passion and working with a clumsy unsupported tool.

the status is still

unfortunately, development is quite dead at the moment. I really want to release 0.3 at some point though.


Of course, just as this game was inspired by others.

the status is still

unfortunately, development is quite dead at the moment. I really want to release 0.3 at some point though.


You can use either F2 or ` to open the debug console.


From the FAQ:

Can I become a beta tester?
Of course, as long as there is a beta version available. Join the Discord server to be notified when it is!

And there is nothing to test at the moment.


Thank you, however, I'm not looking for any help with the game.
From the FAQ:

Are you looking for help with the game? Is there any way I could help? 
Thanks, but I want to keep this a personal project, besides, I'm not good at working in teams, and Construct 2 projects are hard to collaborate on anyway (especially when they get this messy after 5 years in development...). You can help by becoming a beta tester, donating, or simply leaving constructive feedback :)


Yes, you can view all cores on the wiki.


unfortunately, development is quite dead at the moment. I really want to release 0.3 at some point though.


The features not to be implemented topic is outdated but answers your question.


I've never come across such a problem. Are you sure you've released enough CPUs to increase your CPU level enough to unlock new technologies?

My bad, the command is mn, so it should be

mn 250000

you can also use 'help' to view all commands.


For example

m 250000

would set your money to $250 000.

What exactly do you mean? You can only use either F2 or ` to open the debug console.


unfortunately, development is quite dead at the moment. I really want to release 0.3 at some point though.


Scheduling release dates for products is a planned feature (though there's a small chance it will ever make it into the game).


Thank you for the suggestions!
The second and fourth points are to be implemented in the next update (let's hope) the rest also sound like good quality-of-life improvements. 

only if you want me to


Currently the game only has CPUs: Frequently Asked Questions - Questions -

I really wish to release it eventually but I don't know when that could be, sorry.


Releasing multiple CPUs is planned for the next (0.3) update.


You can check the stats of all packages on the wiki.

Oh we're missing at least half a dozen


NIC is equivalent to NEC, Zelog is like Zilog, Fastchild is similar to Fairchild. The rest of the companies are completely made up (though Element's logo is inspired by Apple's old logo).


As the FAQ says:

Will there be a mobile version?
Not anytime soon. Finishing the core features is a priority right now. If I decide to make a mobile version, I'd like to make it good with a brand-new UI fit for mobile devices and such.


unfortunately, development is quite dead at the moment. I really want to release 0.3 at some point though.

In that case, are you sure you're marketing enough? What scores are you getting and what prices are you setting? Are you keeping up with research?


No, the project files are not available.


Yes, unfortunately, development is quite dead at the moment. I really want to release 0.3 at some point though.


That was the original goal, but I doubt the game will ever be this feature complete.

mm, that would be nice indeed. Waiting for it to happen too


Yes, of course! The more tycoon games, the merrier.
I think only 1:1 copies or asset stealing could be considered wrong in this case. Inspiration is completely fine, though.