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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

[sassy] hm-m-mm...

Thanks for your feedback.

By the way, we recorded the sounds of the witch with a microphone. This sound is background, not a reaction to success.

Looks like a very cool job for 2 days.

Incredibly cool. The mechanics are simple but addictive. 


Thank you for playing our game!

Thank you!

Thank you for feedback!

Thank you for the helpful feedback!

It is very important for us.

A very interesting game. Liked the idea. But I did not fully understand by what rules the npc runs.


It's not very clear what the goal is. But as a sandbox, it's just great.

Great job!

Good idea. I'm stuck in your game. Congratulations!

A very unusual game. I liked the mechanics, but sometimes the labyrinth is not quite fair for one of the players.

Good job!

Great game with interesting mechanics.


Thank you very much for the feedback and video!

Thank you!

Thank you for feedback! 

Thank you! 

Thank you for feedback =D

Thank you for feedback! 

Thank you for useful feedback! 

Thank you for feedback!

Thank you for useful feedback! 

Thank you! 

Thank you for feedback. 

Potentially cool platformer. It is worth making improvements in this part after the jam in order to be top. In general, the game is cool! Congratulations.

Very atmospheric game. Art is great. This is worthy to go into a full game. Congratulations.

A very unusual concept. I'm not sure I've seen something like this before. Very good UI/UX. Congratulations.

Cool memory game. I love such games. Hard level hasn't worked for me yet. :D 


The game is nostalgic. You took me back to my childhood. Thank you for that!

A very interesting prototype involving AI. I think that if we continue to develop the idea, then something big and cool should be born. Congratulations!

Very fun and addictive game. I have always dreamed of my own cow. About two cows. Congratulations!

Congratulations on the release! Everything is done very cool, taking into account the fact that you did it all alone.

Thank you for feedback! 

Good game! I got incredible pleasure from the story and puzzles!

Thank you for useful feedback! 

Crazy game!  Congratulations! 

Very good job for one person. The story came out great!

Good story in an interesting game. 


Thank you!