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A member registered Aug 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Actually, it is kind of turn based also. Every time you draw a card, it will move. The timer was something we added because we felt it might not be so obvious to the player if it's only the card :)

The 2d art is very nice and I like the idea very much. It's an interesting take on the theme. I would prefer a platform controller less like meatboy though, i.e. less inertia. 

Thank you. We are unfortunately very aware of the information overload...we weren't happy about having to make a help page. Unfortunately the game ended up having a bigger scope than what we initially thought and so we didn't have time for the tutorial. Thank you for the kind words though :)

I'm not sure if I should enjoy shooting birds this much haha.

godot rigidbody2d does most of the work :)

nice relaxing game.

Nice concept, I like that it's not only about fishing, but you have to try to catch them in the basket.  You're just missing some sound and music.

Does the Kenney asset restriction apply to the itch page and thumbnail?

Thanks. We needed more playtesting to balance levels better.


Soul Reaver was definitely an inspiration :)


The choice of needing you to be 100% was indeed a conscious one, but the game has some game/level design challenges and these needed more play testing to get right. 

sorry to hear that. The game was tested (and developed) on a Mac, but with Intel processor. Around that part of the game souls start appearing and I noticed their shader doesn't work well in webgl (which is why the game has no webgl version) so it might be something related to that. 

Thanks! And thanks for the rating :)

Very nice entry. I actually recognised the player character assets from itch. I've used them in some past projects. The combat works very well even with combos and you have some enemy diversity. Very solid entry. Congrats.

The unpredictability of the shift can lead to some frustration, but it's a fun game. Good job.

It's remarkable how much a game that only needs you to press one key and do the same quick challenge over and over can be so engaging! Great idea. Congrats!

Simple game, but with a very satisfying gameplay. I think part of the reason is the sound. It feels good to fire that gattling! Good job.

It took me a while to realize there was a double jump. Nice interpretation of the theme and very nice chill and interesting puzzles.


Nice game, could be a bit faster :)

Interesting approach to the theme. The dual control provides an interesting coordination challenge. Solid entry. Congrats!

Cute fun game. I liked the work put in the in between levels screen. It's a little detail, but it makes the game feel way more polished. Good work.

The game is annoying in a good way haha. Good job :)

Chill puzzle game. Very nice. Also, nice approach to the theme with the dual control. It worked well.

Thank you!

There should be a hint there but it seems to be missing. Press for on the left part of the big door.

Some things we didn't manage to polish in the end. Thank you for the review.

There should be a hint there but it seems to be missing. Press for on the left part of the big door.

Thank you for the kind words

Very cool idea. The visuals are gorgeous!

Very cool idea. The visuals are gorgeous!

It's always good when even without instructions you get quickly into the game. It's a very good idea for the theme and it's well implemented. The puzzles are well designed also. Congrats!

I always think the best game jam entries are the ones that manage to get a simple concept that fits the theme and implement it well. This game is a great example. Congrats. It's fun, well thought of and implemented.

Very nice idea of the dimensions theme

The aesthetics and the immersion on this game are top notch. Congrats!

Nice intro (although it took me a while to figure out I had to press enter to move forward). It's nice that you put some effort in providing a context to the game. The game itself is fun with nice pacing.

Nicely put together game and good use of Kenny packs :) Very nice puzzles.

Nicely put together game and good use of Kenny packs :) Very nice puzzles.

Very nice tower defense game. For me the shop button was not fully visible in full screen, so it took me a bit to figure out how to get turrets, but after that it was smooth.

Very nice. Cute art and nice puzzles.

 It was interesting to play your game because we we also had a puzzle platfomer based on different mechanics for different dimensions.

Very good really. The art is cute and the puzzle mechanic is very well achieved.

Yes, we didn't have time for more. We also lost track that the game could actually be fun, because we had more mechanics in mind that we didn't manage to have time to implement, so it's nice to hear that people are finding it fun. Thanks :)

The idea was that you could play fully with keys (arrow keys plus space) or use the mouse (hover to select, click to play, click on rotation buttons to rotate). Maybe you didn't notice the rotation buttons on the tiles when they are selected?

We aimed to have an element of deckbuilding in the game, but we didn't manage to flesh out the levels and mechanics, so with only 3 main levels and limited mechanics the deckbuilding aspect is a bit pointless.