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A member registered Jul 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! Adding difficulty is not really what I would add to the game, I wanted to make it more a 'you alone with your instincts' kind of game. Fixing the UI is definitely a thing though!

That's a good idea, VR might increase the intensity of the game. Something I'll keep in mind, thanks!

Thanks for the feedback! The signal sound should be different depending on if you're aiming correctly, maybe you've found a bug. 

Lovely little game! Shows a lot of potential, I just want more of this! The only issue I have is that it's not really clear what you can and cannot jump on. 

Lots of fun to play! The different add-ons brings a lot of variation in every run, but some are definitely better than others.

Fun game! The dash makes for some interesting movement, but you can slow down really fast. It doesn't really feel that nice to move, because it slows down real fast and speeds up real slow. Still, I enjoyed playing it.

Thanks for the feedback!

Nice game! It is a little bit finicky to click the cubes correctly, sometimes when I click it doesn't work. I like that you can connect cubes with other cubes, but would love to have some more variety. Good job still!

This is such a good game, I don't have anything else to say. Just amazing!

Very challenging game, as you have to keep micro managing the towers to fight all the different elements. However, this gives the game a lot more depth and requires skill to win, although sometimes a bit of a hassle.  Really cool concept!

What an extremely relaxing game! The puzzles are not that hard, and the introduction with pre-placed arrows keeps the game fresh. Interested to see where you'll go from here!

Sorry for not including arrow keys as a movement option! Lots of things to think about when you only have limited time. Thanks a bunch for your feedback, it really helps a lot!

Thank you for playing!

Thanks for playing! I'll keep the mouse sensitivity in mind, that's obviously a thing I should have added.

It's a really cool idea, however it's really hard to get them all in the correct order. I like how the music builds up, but that's also the flaw, you can't really hear the sounds the nodes make if you have all these layers of sound. Some kind of visual indicator might help with this. 

Interesting game, I had to look up what the constellations were before completing the levels. At first I thought that it needed to be all one color but I kept losing, eventually I got the hang of it though. It's cool that you can also hit the orbiting orbs around a star. Nice job.

Really interesting mechanic, can definitely be expanded on. Keep it up!

The color palette is really hard to look at, all the colors kind of blend together into a bright mush. The game is hard to understand, connecting a city gives you 60 money and they turn purple I think? And the circle around the thing that you place connects the cities. I like letting the game speak for itself, but here it would have been nice to have a tutorial. Other than that it is a really interesting game, all about placement. Nice entry!

Fun and challenging, getting the hang of the physics is pretty difficult but once you get the hang of it it starts to become a bit easier. Keep up the good work!

Cool game! The difficulty is pretty hard, by introducing enemies firing bullets early on. Keep it up!

Unfortunate that it could not be finished, but it looks and sound promising! 

Very challenging game, especially if you are not very good at maths. Stuck on the last puzzle, which I really could not get past. Nice sound effects as well, overall a great package!

I like this take on the tetris formula, very relaxing and the difficulty goes up nicely as you get better at the game. Really nice game!

Fun game! Music was really nice to listen to while I bash my head against a keyboard.

Cutting the ropes seems to only work at the end of each segment. Once I understood that it became a lot more doable, but it's still not very intuitive. Sometimes the white and red orbs spawn on top of a white one, which makes the rope uncuttable without losing a life. Still is pretty fun to play though, keep up the good work!

Great storytelling! Brought a little tear to my eye. Thanks for sharing.

Really cool and interesting game! Puzzles were a bit trial and error, but man it feels satisfying to hear that 'Ding' sound. Levels were really interesting! Great job!

Loved this game! Simply amazing!

Really fun game, although in some levels only one person does everything while the other just steps on a pressure plate. The timer is really forgiving for only one player and the sound design is really good! Definitely a bit unexpected when dying but really fun. Great job!

It's simple and easy to get into. The distortion at the edge of the screen was a bit bad for my eyes though. Levels were well made and got the best out of this concept. Good job!

I really like the concept! Very innovative. Is there a way to know how many messages there are in the ocean?

Very chill game to play and visually it looks amazing. I'm kind of sad the tornadoes don't shoot you up. Camera works great and the movement is intuitive. Nice job!

Like rotub said, hitting escape once or twice after one another should close the menu. In the windows version only one escape should be necessary. The mouse cursor may appear but clicking the window will disable the movement of the cursor. Since it's a jam game I currently can't change it, but once I can it should be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Fun game! Loved the sound effects and the music in the phone mini game. Mouse sensitivity was a bit too high and aiming does not snap but smooths out. This made it very difficult to aim. It's also very easy to go off the path for just a moment and get a game over. I know there is the beeping when you get close to the edge, but I feel it comes in a bit too late. Maybe a 3 second window for the player to turn back makes it more forgiving. Other than that the game looks nice and plays well. Good job! 

I enjoyed playing your game, but just like jurganson I did not know how to launch the rocket. Some kind of indication when you have completed an objective might help, like a voice line or a beep near the launch lever (which I could not use?). Great voice acting though! Very clear and I could hear everything correctly. Really nice job!

Thank you for playing!

Thank you for finding that! I tried to fix it to be more intuitive but didn't have the time. Thanks for playing!

Thanks! The controls for webgl are indeed a bit finicky, thanks for finding that! 

Thank you for playing!