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Five BarsView game page

Save Your Girl with your Trusty Sidearm and Mobile Connection!
Submitted by HankGreenburg — 2 hours, 10 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1323.2803.280
Art Direction#2263.1203.120

Ranked from 25 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I know you were in the stream, but as for some notes: Add a mouse sensitivity slider (I was able to adjust for what I played), adjust the minigame to be slightly easier. the time to lose connection was to quick and needed adjusted. Very unforgiving aspect of the game. This honestly felt like an old school nintendo 64 fps which could result in fun little speed runs if the path/connection lost wasn't so unforgiving.


Yeah thanks for playing it on stream it was cool to see! Lots of plans for the next version, so stay tuned for that :)


Fun game and an original idea. The feeling could however largely be improved, controls feel floaty and mouse sensitivity is way too high, I couldn't aim correctly ^^ It was fun anyway, well done!


Thanks! I'll be polishing and improving the controls next week in a patch since I didn't have time to get it perfect during the jam :)


The game was great! Really fun and interesting

I absolutely loved the sound effects! 


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it :D


Hello hi! It was fun to maneuver the map following the signal strength, makes it pretty hard, IN A GOOD WAY, to focus on the signal while trying to watch out for enemies! It definitely creates a unique playstyle. Im bad so it took me a bit to beat it but I really enjoyed it! Sound effects are awesome  :)


Thanks I'm glad the design of juggling signal strength and minigames while trying to stay alive worked out :) Glad to see you complete it!

Deleted 364 days ago

Thanks for playing :D


It's a fun little game, the sounds are awesome!


Thank you!


Awesome job, had fun with this one but the sensitivity was a bit much.


Yeah my fps camera controls need some work but thanks for playing :)


This game is really fun and I think the connection mechanic is so cool. It really made me careful and be more precise with my movement, but I did feel it as a little punishing. I died a few times because I ran into a no connection zone before I even noticed it dipping.

It's really innovative and nails the theme. Also I love the hacking part and your voice really sold that bit for me lol Great job overall!


Thanks a bunch :D Yeah I think I'll add in a larger range for the connection and make it notify you sooner and clearer so you don't walk out of range accidentally as much.


Video commentary:


Thanks for the video review :)


I enjoyed the game specially the sound effects,although the sensitivity was a bit high and the game needed to be polished,i really enjoyed it,Nice Job!


I'll probably do some polishing and changes after voting is completed. Thanks for playing :)


I'll be honest. I wasn't the biggest fan of how the controls felt although the rest of the game wasn't bad. I just wish the game spent more time in the oven for a little bit more polish but obviously, you only had one week and it's a game jam. Negatives aside it was an interesting application of the theme


Thanks for playing :)


super cool needs tbagging 


I'll put it on the list :)


Hacking mini game song is fireeeee!!

Simple game, really liked the mobile connection concept, makes you look for the correct path in the world and think about where to go.

The only thing I have to point out is the camera issue, which needs a sensitivity slider, but other than that, good job! :D


Thanks a lot for playing :D


Love the environment, love the voice acting, love the whole idea. The main issue I was having was trying to control the camera. It seems like the camera was accelerating and decelerating instead of starting and stopping. That made it difficult to control, like the camera was on ice. Other than that solid entry


Thank you very much :D FPS camera control is something I have a lot to learn with but I hope the experience was still mostly enjoyable :)


This game is great! Love the sound effects, love the art, the concept and mechanic is really interesting and fun! It's simple and easy to understand! 

I do wish the hacking minigame had a little bit more of an introduction? Like telling us how to control it. As someone mentioned, I think the mouse sensitivity was way too high - it was hard to control or aim. As a result of that, the game started to give me motion sickness, and I had to stop playing before I finished it. Which makes me sad, because I actually really wanted to see how things turned out!

Great work, this game is awesome!


Thank you! It turned out a lot better than I expected with the goofy cartoony style lol
Yeah on my mental to-do list I had "put controls overlay for minigame" but never got around to it. Oh I'm sorry it gave you motion sickness, thanks for playing as much as you did :)


Don't know if it's just me but the mouse sensitivity is way too high. I really can't move the mouse, other wise the camera goes all over the place x)

Great concept otherwise!


Time crunch ruined my plans for a mouse sensitivity slider :( 
Thanks for playing!


That connectivity mechanic seems like a really cool alternative to invisible walls to cordon off a map, Love it.


Thanks! I came up with the game idea within about half an hour of finding out the theme and immediately latched onto it lol


Fun game! Loved the sound effects and the music in the phone mini game. Mouse sensitivity was a bit too high and aiming does not snap but smooths out. This made it very difficult to aim. It's also very easy to go off the path for just a moment and get a game over. I know there is the beeping when you get close to the edge, but I feel it comes in a bit too late. Maybe a 3 second window for the player to turn back makes it more forgiving. Other than that the game looks nice and plays well. Good job! 


Thanks :D This is my first time doing an fps game so I wasn't able to get the aim perfect in time. I thought about adding in a mercy timer to the connection range but it being such a short and small game made me decide not to. It would make it really easy, and people would probably use it to cheese as well. I like having it be something you need to be conscious of while you deal with enemies; makes it a more unique fps experience. Thanks for playing and for the critiques though :)


This was hilariously fun!


Thank you!


The mobile connection feature was really creative! Super fun and looked nice! I'm hoping to play a full version, this game can really expand with the story.


Yeah who knows what those french terrorists will get up to next ;)

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