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By the way, for anyone asking:

I will bundle an offline version of 'Crowdsourced Adventure' in with this so that will be two adventure artgames, for the price of one on itch, both of them likely to expand steadily over time. For those curious, the sites of both projects recently saw major updates.

Both of these should now see a first release VERY SOON, as in before Summer 2024. Not that the first releases will include everything I hope to have in these titles, but it will nonetheless mark a starting point.

The games - if bought here or on Steam - will expand faster if people are actually buying for offline play but I won't be surprised if most don't do so.

After all, they'll be playable online too output to an HTML5 WebGL format.

And that version's great in its own way but visuals are slightly more compressed to run in the limited memory of a browser window. Not that it'd be an obvious detail loss, as the fact that it is run in browser often limits the size of the game to under 50% of a total screen area... an in browser window of roughly 720*560 px. with some narrow ads around the edges and browser trim along the top. Graphics are in theory 16x the quality in offline (Windows) form, designed to look good on a 1080p screen. That is, double resolution in width and height, and an equally vast 4-fold diffence in compression, where offline textures are uncompressed and online uses a variant of DXT compression to drop memory use and filesize to 1/4 at the cost of a certain blurriness. 

Consider: WebGL on browsers forces a limit of 1gb memory use for both the downloaded files and the running app. It's a tough limit to stay within, long term, and if the explorable areas get big enough the 'download' portion might start to become an issue. It is possible each world might have its own page online as a result, just to allow the games to expand long term. 

I mean, each world's core downloadable files would typically be anywhere from 25-120mb when heavily optimized for webgl and 400mb-2gb in full offline quality. Past a handful of such worlds and I start running into problems on the webGL side, as the download takes up more and more of the allocated memory. 

Windows offline system requirements?

I would advise a system with 8gb ram, and ideally 50gb free space for both games on your hard drive. Won't take even 1/3 that amount at first but I am optimistically planning on a series of big updates over time on both, so... by 2026 or 2027, the two of them together might have an install footprint that really is that big.