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Congrats everyone

A topic by Miniature Giants created Jun 05, 2023 Views: 210 Replies: 2
Viewing posts 1 to 3

I know the community forum tends to die a quick death as soon as results are out but well done to those of you that are still here reading threads! I managed to discover a load of great ideas and super games over the last couple of weeks and I'm always amazed by how much talent is hanging out on the internet building awesome things. Enjoy your courses when you get them and see you in the next jam!


I was just about to post a similar message myself :) Well done everyone - I tried  my best but I only managed to try a fraction of the entries, but there were some excellent games.

A bit thanks to everyone who entered, everyone who tried my game and left kind comments, and last but not least to GameDev .TV and for hosting. 


Yey it was fun! :D