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I do agree that self-promotion can pose an issue. Every passionate developer has been at the point where they try to plug their game all over the place - it's natural for something you put so much time into!

If people want to advertise, they can keep a running devblog and update it in another section of the forum. If a game is being featured weekly, it should be moderator chosen with no applicant process. And the focus of discussion should be on its design and how it might be improved. There's no perfect game, and hearing good constructive feedback can have a positive impact on the developer.


You definitely make a good point, too much self promotion is bad for developing the community. Here are the rules I wrote for the releases board to try to address the issue:

Please keep self promotion to a reasonable level. If we see you posting excessively all of your posts may be removed, and you may no longer be able to post new topics.

Please be courteous of the time of those who will read your post. Release posts that show little to no effort, or are just links, will be locked and removed. Think of this place as a way to build a relationship with a new audience, not just a place to dump links.

If you have any suggestions I'd be glad to hear them