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The Prancing PenguinView game page

Surprise the Yogs with your fancy tricks!
Submitted by Winston (@WinstonYallow) — 1 hour, 5 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 31 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Brilliant! This is probably the cutest and most wholesome game I've played all year. The gameplay is simple but fun and the artwork is fantastic!


Thank you sooo much holy shit! Very glad you enjoyed it :)

Deleted 347 days ago

Yeah I think we really need a way to make the tricks visible from further away. One idea is to show markers pointing to them while they are out of screen. Thanks for the feedback!


We just released the post-jam update which includes an option to make the trick hints stick to the top screen border! Hope this helps :)


Very cute game! I absolutely love this storybook-like hand drawn style. The gameplay is simple yet effective and it kept me amused for quite a bit, despite not really being super deep or anything. The game also just has this pleasant wholesome vibe that I really like. Now, if I had to nitpick, I'd say that the WOO's of the penguin got a little too much (especially considering all the other characters had several lines, I think you should give the penguin the same treatment). What's more, I didn't really understand what the percentage meter was, or what it did, so maybe a more clear explanation? That said, this could be entirely due to me not paying enough attention. Regardless, cute game and a good effort! I definitely enjoyed it!


Thanks so much for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed playing our game :)

We actually have more voicelines for the penguin and also for other characters/effects, but we did not manage to include them in time for the jam. We will add them in a post voting update!

It will also include a small tutorial explaining the controls and the score system. Basically you will get percent points in the wow-meter every time you perform a trick (but only if the character want to see that tick). The higher the wow-meter the higher the multiplier you get on points. So if you combine 3 jumps quickly, you will gain more points. The wow meter always slowly moves back to zero.


First of all, I absolutely love this game's art style!  It's incredibly rare to see hand-drawn art in games, and this is a great example of how to do it right.  The sound design is also nice and pleasing the listen to.  The gameplay itself is pretty easy to pick up and fun to play around with.  The movement feels good, and I had fun trying to string the tricks together in different ways.  It eventually gets repetitive, but that comes with the limited scope of game jam games.  This game has a lot of potential, and I would be curious to see how it turns out if you ever decide to build on it in the future by adding more mechanics like higher jumps or new tricks.  Well done!


Thank you so much! We are planning on releasing at least some bugfixes after the voting period is over. After that we will probably implement a few missing features:
- smal tutorial/introduction
- more tricks
- variable jump height based on how deep you dive
- better display of trick-combos
- maybe more characters
- different levels or more environments within the level like a snowy forest


Wow, I liked this game, the lovely artworks, relaxing gameplay, and especially the super smooth movement! ^_^


Thank's! That is really nice to hear :)


Sooooo qute! I'm realy surprized, thanks :D


Really original and very cute. I love the hand-drawn artwork too.


Really hard game to put down, and well done in all aspects!


Very cute characters, voice and visual ! 

I'm now addicted to make happy these people ! 

Good joob ! 



I can go further but i'm at school atm xD


I mean, playing a game sure sounds more fun than attending a lesson :D


Indeed ! Worth it :DDDDD 


It definitely took me a bit to understand what I was doing, however once I realized what I was supposed to do it was really fun, I would have loved to see boosters or something in the water to make you get a bit more xp and a higher jump, but overall the game was really fun.


Now that's my favorite game so far!


The art is cute, well drawn and feels so nice in a game! I didn't think that this style could work in this medium, but it does!


Nice BGM, really pleasing, and the SFX is so cute and not missing! I love it! Bonus point for having voice acting when you finish a task. That's a little detail but it changes everything imo


That's the bad point of the game, but not too bad. There are the controls cutely drawn, the only bad point is that you have to go and look at them, and at first I didn't realize that the upper arrow meant "jump".


  • It's simple, you just move outside the water and dance for people, and that's nice.
  • It feels nice to move in the water. I felt like gliding, I never felt heavy, and it was surprisingly pleasing!


One pic is worth a million words, right? There you go, then:


The only bug I encountered is that when you have the same key to press twice, sometimes you can validate the two movements with one animation only. Minor visual bug that almost doesn't affect gameplay, and the game feels extremely well polished. That's awesome :)


At first, I was "it doesn't really fits the theme". But there is Ben and their surprised face when you move for them does the trick. Subtle but definitely in the theme :)

Great work here! I loved the game :D


Thank you so so much for your review! It literally made our teams day!

We will definitely add a small tutorial in a post jam update. It'll also include a bugfix to prevent two actions being performed at the same time! Thanks for letting us know about that, I already found the reason.


I'm glad your team liked my review! :)

I'm looking forward to see that post-jam update, I'm curious to see that tutorial ;)


Cute art, nice music and pretty addictive gameplay. It was fairly easy to pick up the controls and get points and I like the Yogs cameos in the background. Big plus for Linux version! Well done!


very cute, very nice stuff! 


A nice simple mechanic that feels pretty good. I'd love it if diving deep let you launch a bit higher. The art is absolutely lovely, and the parallax on the background is perfect. Nice choice of music, too.


I love the hand drawn art style, it's very cute. The voice acting is good too, though it gets a bit repetitive after a bit (but that's to be expected since there's not enough time to many a ton of voice lines). The swimming mechanics are quite fun too, so all in all well done!


Very cute and polished game. Love the voice acting in it. ;)


Cute little game, the gameplay is a little repetitive but I see that the art was the main focus; you did an amazing job, check out my game here


This is super cute! Love the visuals, it feels really polished and jumping around feels really satisfying, great job!


Love the art!


Oh wow! The mechanics are so well polished, the art is so adorable! Love that game! Congratulations!

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