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A member registered Dec 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey Aaron, thanks for much for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I should have made it more obvious but the split mode is basically multiplayer mode :) And to fix a node, you just shoot it with your character's beam, no minerals required (minerals fix the ship's hull).

Definitely seems like the tutorial needs work and yeah, fixing the clumping enemies is on my list already haha. I'll also make a note about the beam position, that's great feedback and something I hadn't thought of, thanks!

Hey, thanks so much for trying it and for the awesome feedback! Yeah, I think it definitely needs to be more obvious when you're dealing damage to certain enemies. Also it's interesting that the energy source one-shot you as that shouldn't happen haha... was there an enemy lurking in the same room? I may need to prevent enemies from spawning in that energy source room.

Regarding checkpoints, I'll see how that feels in the final game before making a decision on it - for the demo level I'm spawning in all enemy types as I wanted people to experience them, but in the actual game a lot of those stronger enemies won't appear until higher levels. So hopefully the difficulty will ramp up slowly. There will also be powerups and upgrades to help you. That said, if it still feels too unfair at that point then yeah I might consider some kind of checkpoint system :)

Thanks again!

You saw my stream so you have my feedback already :) But yeah, great entry albeit a little buggy - I can see it turning into something really awesome with some polish.

I'd have liked to have some hover tooltips to tell me the building names etc. And as you saw, some simple background music can make a huge difference ;)

Very fun and challenging puzzle game! I loved the overall concept and it definitely felt satisfying figuring out the solutions. I don't really have many feedback comments other than I felt the UI could be jazzed up a little bit, maybe a different font choice as someone else mentioned? And perhaps the first level should be more of a step-by-step tutorial rather than just right-clicking on stuff, but that might just be a personal preference.

Overall a really solid entry and I got way too excited about getting 3 carrots on the mage level :)

As others have said, the control system could be improved - the character would walk forward until they hit the mouse cursor and then stop, meaning you'd have to constantly move the mouse, which doesn't feel very intuitive. Also the range weapons are really OP compared to the melee weapons.

That said, I really loved the concept and the art style, and it felt satisfying to play (who hasn't wanted to go on a rampage in their office before?)

Really great concept, I can definitely see it being a lot of fun once you're able to start grabbing other territories. As others have said there are some UI issues, in particular I ended up with so many cards that I could no longer click the Next Turn button. I think are also some balancing issues as I had huge amounts of water but struggled to get enough food.

I also noticed a little bug on the Hydroponics card (I think), it said I couldn't afford it despite it giving me 5 food, not costing 5 food.

Awesome job! You have a real talent for creating puzzle games, it felt really addictive and I wish there were more levels!

I think that being able to restart the level if you fail would be a good idea, and maybe a "next level" button would be good instead of a countdown, to give the player a chance to prepare!

Also, the audio made me laugh lol.

Great job! You saw me playing on stream so you have my feedback already, but to summarise :)

  • Some of the bosses could do with a little more variation in their attacks
  • Different levels per boss could be cool (I know these are coming!)
  • Powerups would be awesome, like increase firepower, speed, healing etc.
  • Buddy was a good boi

Very simple concept but so polished, great job! I love to see a few more levels with different vibes, e.g. an 80s vaporwave level :D

Awesome concept and was a lot of fun to play! There's obviously quite a bit to learn but the tutorial was paced well and I didn't run into too much difficulty :) I really loved the art style too, it would have been nice to hear a little more audio but I guess that's already in the works. I thought it'd be cool for example if you could hear wind, birds etc on the planet and then maybe fade them out as you fly into orbit.

Really loved the concept! I hope you'll continue developing it as I think it'd be great to see different scenarios etc.

My only issue was that the UI felt very cluttered, there is a lot of information there and I think they must be a more elegant way to display it all. Also sometimes it took me a moment to figure out what ship was currently active. Overall though I found it very addictive :)

Hey, thanks so much for trying it and for the awesome feedback! The direction indicator is indeed a little buggy at the moment, as is the split mode, PracticalNPC found some interesting bugs there too :D

It does seem like some kind of objective indicator is needed, I'll try to think of a way to include it subtlety as I do want to keep that feeling of mystery and encourage the player to explore. As you mentioned, it could be something that prompts the player after x amount of time.

Thanks again!

Noted, thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for trying it and for the feedback! Yeah in the full version I'm planning on having more "stuff" going on as you are piloting the ship, and also a bigger variety of enemies, which should hopefully help with your first two points. An objective reminder is a great idea too, I'll figure out the best way to include that :)

I also had the issue where the game would freeze up after a while, wasn't sure if it was a disconnect thing (I'm most likely quite far away geographically).

I loved the concept of it though and even the couple minutes I played were pretty hilarious :D Also making a physics-based online game is incredibly impressive as I know you only worked on it for a very short time.

I loved this game the last time I played it and it's clear you've put a lot of time into polishing everything. The animations are awesome and the artwork in general is beautiful. The audio fits really well too and I appreciated the addition of voice acting, not something you usually find in solodev projects! (personally I loved the slightly cheesy nature of it, I thought it fit the game really well)

I did find the sheer amount of stats and interfaces a little overwhelming but I think after playing it for a while it started to click. I could definitely see me putting a bunch of hours into this and trying to unlock new creatures to join my party :D

Awesome work! I love how clean and readable your artwork is and the characters are super-cute too. Seeing the printed version of the game makes me really want to play it IRL! Good luck with the full release :)

Fantastic as always! As you know I got stuck on a certain level, but I'm definitely planning on giving it another try - the gameplay is just so good and really makes me want to play more. I also love the new mechanics and how well everything is colour-coded (green for extra boosts, pink for portals etc).

I did miss the background music, and I also liked the "mystery" of the previous versions, but that's just a personal preference (not sure if it's just a demo thing but having it explicitly state that you're in hell, for example).

I also thought it'd be cool to be able to "look around" somewhat, i.e. move the camera over slightly so you could plan ahead a little better.

Overall a really great entry and I'm looking forward to the full release!

Very unique concept and was fun trying to figure stuff out! I unfortunately got stuck and wasn't sure if there was any more to the game or if I'd reached the "end" - I did wonder if the binary for the PlayStation game meant something but I didn't dive that deep :D

My only comment was that it'd be nice to be able to hit the up arrow to retrieve my previous command, as a couple of times I mistyped something and had to type the whole thing out again.

Thanks so much for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

Great font! I used both this and the original font in my recent jam project :D

I understand now. Those Gods below us have risen up and come to claim our world. We must pay for our sins.

Those Gods Below Us is a short Lovecraftian 2D puzzle platformer, originally made in 72 hours for the r/SoloDevelopment Winter Jam 2023. The theme was "End is Near".

Although I didn't quite get it finished in the jam I liked the concept so much I decided to polish it up afterwards. Enjoy!

Thanks so much!

Thanks so much! Yeah The Colour Out of Space was definitely a big inspiration (in fact if you've seen the 2019 movie with Nic Cage, it was where I took the colour from haha).

Starting at day 499 was kinda my attempt to include the "End is Near" theme (aside from it being an end of the world scenario), since we're starting at the end of the story before jumping back to the beginning. Glad you ended up liking it!

I'll definitely post in the Discord once the final version is up (should be in the next few days) so you can see how the story concludes :)

Not sure how I missed this one! Great atmosphere and creepy visuals. My one complaint was the jump scare sound was too loud - I feel like when audio is that loud it's more painful than scary :D But great job otherwise!

(2 edits)

I haven't had a chance to actually print out and play this yet but I wanted to leave a comment before the jam ends :)

First of all the artwork is awesome - I love the vibrant colours and the cards are well-designed and everything is easily identifiable.

I found the rules a little complex at first but I think it's due to the way the instructions manual is laid-out. I recommend you look up some board game manual templates and use that as a starting point. In particular I think there needs to be a section describing exactly how a single turn works, something like this:

Players take turns in a clockwise order, starting with the youngest player.

At the start of their turn, the player draws a counting card and moves one of their game pieces the number of spaces indicated on the card in any direction.

  • If the player lands on an inventory icon, draw the top inventory card and keep it
  • If the player lands on a leafstack icon, draw the top animal card and follow the instructions for that animal
  • If the player passes through a hindrance icon, they must immediately stop there and follow the instructions for that hindrance
  • If the player reaches a door, they may move down a level on their next turn

(I'm not sure if those rules are 100% correct but you get the idea)

I'm also not sure how the add-on icons are distributed around the board - is it random? Or do players just choose where to place them? Or is there a "game master" who decides?

Finally, I loved that you added the "while playing say" bits - I thought this was really cute and added to the character of the game, so I decided this should count towards your audio rating :D

Loved the character design and animation! It took me a little while to figure out how to get through the last level but I eventually got it :)

The jumping felt a little off sometimes and I wasn't 100% sure about the electrified platforms - it wasn't super obvious that I had been shocked. I also found a bug where I kept running forward after I had been shocked.

The rising water gave me flashbacks of old-school Sonic games haha.

I actually had a lot of fun with this! I think it definitely needs full controller support though, playing a flight-sim with a keyboard is a nightmare (the controller worked for pitch and roll, so I just ended up using that and the keyboard for just boosting and flares).

Very cool game, loved the colour palette you chose and the lighting effects, and the puzzles were very satisfying. It would have been nice if the character was animation. I thought a cool idea if you wanted to develop it further could be having different trains with different puzzle types - e.g. a red themed train with a tetris puzzle or something.

Really satisfying to play, I played it multiple times :) Also the sound effect when you hit an animal really sells it haha.

So historically accurate it could be a Discovery Channel documentary.

Occasionally had a little trouble with the jumping, hitting space didn't always work. Very fun game other than that!

Awesome entry! I really love the look of minimalist graphics with the emissive/glowing effect! The gameplay was really satisfying too. My only comment was that it'd be good to see my current stats (speed, pull strength etc) when buying upgrades.

Twisted concept but I loved it :D Very unique idea. One thing I would have liked would to be able to hit the up arrow to go back to the last entered command, sometimes I misspelled something and then had to type it out from scratch (but then I guess maybe that is the point haha)

Shame you ran out of time on it back I could see what you were going for. My main feedback is that mouselook would feel much better than rotating with A and D :)

It's a shame you ran out of time on this but the ending screen made me laugh :D The graphics were very well done and it seemed very polished, I hope you continue developing it! One thing I wasn't sure about was that the enemies seemed to run around randomly when I went near them, were they supposed to run at me?

Fun and very frantic! I would have liked a sound effect when reloading to make it more obvious as I didn't always see the animation. With how fast paced the game was it also felt a little awkward pressing "R" to reload, maybe it could just be right click?

Realistic Office Simulator 2023.

Nice game, the only thing I felt was missing was an audio cue to let me know when I had delivered the papers, as it wasn't always instantly obvious.

It's possible to spawn directly in the path of a lightning bolt, which results in your instant death. As others have pointed out, the plane sprites rotates in an odd way too. But it was a fun little game and I liked how the level got darker the further you got :)

Very cool! I would have liked to have seen a slightly longer story, or maybe more possible suspects, as it was quite easy to figure out (even if I managed to give someone the wrong ticket lol). But I really enjoyed the artwork and overall atmosphere, great job!