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A jam submission

Jetpack EscapeView game page

Don't die
Submitted by SkyLike — 1 day, 2 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1673.1563.156
Art Direction#2433.0313.031

Ranked from 32 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Nice game!  Here are my observations: I had a hard time figuring out how to leave the first level - but realized that you have to exit under the arrows. I like the music! Will you be expanding on the game after the jam? 


Thanks for playin it. And i usually don't expand the game jam games. It reminds me of my progress as a game dev. This is my 4th game jam and comparing with the first one i think i improved a little.


Video Commentary:


Thanks for the feedback


I really like the artstyle on this one! The way the character acts kinda like a paper cutout is really neat! Also, is it just me or does the music loooooow key veeery slightly remind anyone else of Giornos Theme? If that was on purpose, bonus points for JoJo reference!


Nice one. I love that you allowed players to simply choose which level to play from the menu and included lives, those kind of accessibility features are great to see in jam games, especially for players like me who are terrible at 2D platformers.

The artwork was a little inconsistent. Different pixel sizes, some objects had black outlines, others white, some none at all. Some consistency would go a long way towards the game's polish.


Thanks for the feedback, sometimes i forgot to do outlines and was too tired to reopen the programm.


played with crafty on stream:


Thanks for playing it


this was hard lol! good job


Great concept and fun levels, was a fun experience


Nice game. Good job!


nice game ,  I found it a little difficult to control on key board, but when I go t my controller it was game on, nice graphics and music. the green gunk  was annoying in the first couple levels as I got accustomed to the controls.


never tried the game on controller , but glad it worked


I used a ps4 controller , with ds4 and set up custom buttons, I am originally a console gamer before I started making games.


Quite a fun little game here. Liked the art style and use of sounds was a little difficult but a fun challenge. well done on the submission


Fun little game.  Teaching player how to use mechanics was nicely done.


Hello, interesting idea Good job!


nice game! I like the art and sounds , it gives a action /puzzle game  fun vibe, the controls are responsive , the goal is easy to understand but challenging to achieve, overall I enjoyed playing this one! keep it up!


The only criticism I had has been pointed out already (air control). Other than that worthy entry to the game jam. Good job!

Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Pretty cool. Controls were a bit tough (times when i would try to fly to the right but he would go a bit left instead and vice versa), though mostly when he'd collide with other objects so this adds to the realism of flying a jetpack which many would like (I personally would have preferred significantly more control of the character when he's in the air).  Some obstacles require you to be VERY precise to get past (some spikes especially), and that's difficult given the already present difficulty of the controls, though I was still able to beat the game.  Also, I personally didn't find the shooting mechanic necessary as it only helps against the cannon ball projectiles (which are easier to get past compared to some other obstacles in the game) but its still a nice touch as it definitely makes the character more interesting. The animated menu was really nice looking as well. So ya for anyone who likes a challenging semi-realistic jetpack game than this is it, good job.


Thanks for the feedback and yea many people said the same thing about the jetpack. You can destroy spikes by shooting them, but i see your point.


Interesting game, was really fun even though im not the best at platformers. The slime added another layer to make it feel a little different.


really fun and complette game! good job!


Solid game, well done!


Really well done game! I'd only suggest allowing the player to still move left/right while in the air and not jetpacking. You can only move left/right while the jetpack is active, so if you run out of jetpack fuel you lose any sort of mid-air control. Really nice artwork and game idea still!


Well that was the idea behind the jetpack mechanic but many suggested what you said so i guess it is too hard


I really like the jetpack mechanic. A fun game to play and fairly challenging too

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