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A member registered Mar 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Super cute graphics and very fun gameplay! Catchy music with sound fx that match the retro arcade vibes. 

thanks for playing and the great suggestion about the custom cursor on PC! 

I played this game on a pc hooked up to a TV with a mouse and keyboard controls; I like it; it reminds me of Tetris Effect, which I think has an excellent soundtrack and visuals.  

I like that you cannot die - if you plan on making it so the player can die - I hope you keep a mode that you can just play and not worry about health. 

I like the colour scheme and how you used pink/purple/yellow for enemies and reserved blue for the player.  

I wish there were soundfx to hit enemies and signal when a new effect happens.  A sound that enhances the music would be cool, rather than the typical "pew pew" or "zap zap."

My favourite thing about it was the triangle companions. 

The music reminds me of focus music that you might hear from the focus@will website - it's really good for getting into a flow state. 

Keep up the great work! Would love to see the updated version available for mac or web. 

Thank you so much for your thorough and thoughtful feedback! You've given me lots to think about for future enhancements and ways to make the game more polished and satisfying for players to enjoy. 

(1 edit)

I enjoyed the web version of this game on my mac (with keyboard and trackpad). It feels good to play, great music, soundFX and interaction feedback. 

Since you're looking for feedback, here are some notes from my experience playing it to help you decide if there are other features or enhancements you'd like to add in the future.


  • I wish there were more control options, particularly a way to aim with only the keyboard.  Such as  AWDS keys for aim, Arrows keys to move (with the option for the other way around), and Spacebar as fire. 
  • In the upgrade menu, it would be nice to be able to select using the tab and enter keys on the keyboard.  I'd love a shortcut for the mouse to add abilities to the dice.  You could keep the drag and drop option and also allow for players to just double click the ability they want to add to the next available slot. If there's no empty slot,  ask them which of their current abilities they want to swap out.
  • Since using a trackpad, I couldn't use the dash control - so I wish it could be triggered via a different keyboard button or just double-click the direction you want to dash (AWSD/Arrow keys) 

Gameplay and level of difficulty:

If you haven't played the game Hades, it's a roguelike which does a great job of making the game fun and accessible to more players. So I will suggest a few ideas from it that would work well for your game. 

  • Since I wasn't able to beat your game after multiple tries, I wish there were a way to heal.  
    • For example, maybe if the player is low on health and levels up, they get the option to heal rather than gain or upgrade an attack ability.  The way Hades does this is by having a spot where players can buy health - but for those who don't need it - they can trade in their health for upgrades. I imagine in your game; perhaps the slot machine could be where players can try to heal once per round. 
  • After being defeated a bunch of times, which can be discouraging,  you may want to consider ways to reward the player after each run to keep them motivated to keep trying. 
    • I do love that you have other characters that seem to be able to be unlocked if you beat the game - I just think, since your game is pretty challenging to win,  smaller rewards after being defeated could make it even more enjoyable for more people. 
    • Hades also does an excellent job of giving the player something to look forward to after each run, even if they die - either by letting them talk to NPCs to advance the story, unlock new weapons or adding renovations and decorations to their home in the Underworld. 
    • I can imagine one way you could do this, is by having the experience points/coins that are collected during the run be something that can be cashed into a slot machine upon defeat - to give the player a chance to continue from where they left off,  get more health for the next round or gaining something to add to the casino (could be decorations, healing points or traps)  This would add even more variety to each play. 

A few other nice to have ideas: 

  • Keep track of how many tries the player has made and their best run. 
  • Local multiplayer to play with friends and family.

Fantastic job; keep up the awesome work on this game :-)  

This game is very fun - especially on mobile.

  • The UI design is straightforward and easy to understand 
    • Visuals (colours, font, textures) matche the circus theme very well  
    • I prefer the shapes over the numbers, so I liked that change but found it confusing that in the menu for switching colours it still shows numbered dice
  • I liked the added challenge of the bombs and sorting the dice into bins
  • Something I noticed is the touch controls felt much more responsive than the mouse clicks on the phone
  • I would play it if the ad support were done in a none intrusive way and linked to an optional button, like an undo button
    • As an example, say the player matches two out of the three they need to get in the pattern, but failed to match the 3rd; instead of having to do the level all over again, the "watch an ad to undo" would then re-drop the 3rd die so the player can try to fix their mistake - but they can only do this once per level 
(1 edit)

Nice game!  I played the web version as I'm on a mac without windows. 

I like the music you added and the darker colour palette.  The particle effects are also a nice touch. 

Something that might be nice to add is a rewarding sound when you pick up power-ups that would make it more satisfying.  

For the ground stomp and spike shield power-ups, I didn't understand how to use them. 

I like how there's immediate feedback when an enemy has been hit by changing their colour from red to grey.  However, I still struggled to tell how many hit points they have, and I think having a way to tell would be helpful.  Such as a health bar or getting smaller after turning grey until they reach a specific size and break apart. 

I'm under the impression the goal is to get a high score, and there is no end to the game - but I'm not 100% sure, so that's something you may want to consider making more clear in the game would be good. 

Overall, I found it challenging and fun to see all the different power-ups and trying to get a higher score.  I bet it would be fun to play co-op with friends and family as local multiplayer.

(1 edit)

This is a wholesome, fun and family-friendly puzzle game.   I love the story and how you tell it with pictures at the start - also, I'm a big fan of the hand-drawn art style. The music and sound are excellent. The bunny's voice adds to the charm of the character. 

The game controls felt intuitive. I liked how the first few levels were simple, and the more complex controls / moving the cube around were introduced later to ease the learning curve. I appreciated having the option to restart the level and that the camera goes back to the player when returning to 2D from 3D.

In terms of difficulty,  I found some very simple to solve while others took me a long time to figure out. To make the game enjoyable for more people, you may consider adding optional hints/tips.  

I noticed some of the levels had both a regular egg and a golden one. While I decided to stick to just the regular egg, having them there adds a bit of curiosity and extra challenge. I love how you give players the choice of which one they want to try to get - and still let them continue on with the regular egg. 

Something I felt was missing is a strong sense of progression. After solving many levels, I wondered, how many more levels are there? To better set players' expectations, you may want to consider ways of communicating this. Such as adding additional information to the start of the level when you show the title, "Ruby's Attic: Up the Stairs (level 1 / 15)". 

Even though it's mentioned that you can hit ESC to go to the menu,  for my first play, by the time I watched the story and played the first handful of puzzles, I didn't remember what was written on the "how to play" screen or itch page  - so didn't realize that there was the menu (and level select screen), until going back to the read the itch page to see if it said how many levels.  

Since the title screen only shows the level selection option if there's saved data,  other first-time players might miss this as I did. I would have liked more guidance around accessing the menu and how many levels to expect. For example, perhaps the first thing shown after the story is the level selection screen, so players learn that it's there and see up front where they are in the grand scheme. 

Suppose you feel that right after the story would interrupt the flow of things too much. In that case, another idea could be to show the level selection screen upon solving the first puzzle. When the player selects the next level, there's an opportunity to tell the player about the menu screen (similar to how you currently tell the player how to press space to go into the 3D mode).

Overall very fun, cute and polished game! Well done :-) 

(2 edits)

Thanks for checking the game out and sharing your feedback. I appreciate it! I've since updated the game with the "retry" button and added a log for the frog to sit on in some water.  I've updated the "how-to" section to make it more apparent that the MC is a frog named "Gus" and they're wearing a toadstool hat. Great idea about some more kinds of flies, including a special bonus one.

Hey there, great feedback!  I've updated the game to fix the issue with the "retry" button. I'm considering whether or not to add some clouds or something more to the background.  Thank you for your thorough review and for identifying typos and bugs. 

 Your feedback is encouraging and super helpful! 😀

Great recommendations for the “retry” and “menu” buttons, those updates will improve the usability of the game over screen. 

Thank you for playing and sharing your thoughts.  🙏

Petroll The Dice gives a refreshing take on the jam concept and is an excellent example of interactive storytelling.  Relatable, lovely artwork and slot machine gas pumps make for a fun and unique experience. 

I expected that the cursor would change from an arrow to a hand when hovering over something clickable, as that's common in point-and-click adventures.  Without that, I found that it took me a bit longer to figure out the controls, although the slight outline and use of sound on hover and click was helpful.

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Thanks for the great feedback and for streaming our short little game - it was really fun to see your reaction to it and watch you play the other games and your rationale behind ratings!  So happy you enjoyed the music and mood-changing mechanic. 

Very fun game; kept me entertained for quite a while - great choice of music and SFX to match the gameplay and visual art style.

The story, music and art all work so well together! The characters have charm and the object of the first level is intuitive and easy to understand. 

I like how there's the extra challenge of making sure to avoid the creatures as you look for sticks and chant the spell - it's a great way to immerse the player into the world. Another detail I really liked was the menu being a book of spells.  

I found the typing mechanic extremely difficult, yet was so interested to see what happened next,  that I wanted to keep trying.  Unfortunately, it was too difficult that I decided to give up. I haven't been able to get all 3 shifties after trying many times. (And wasn't able to win the first battle at night fall)

In fact, on my last attempt, it seemed I did finish entering the spell correctly, but nothing seemed to happen afterwords - so it might be a bug - or I might have made a mistake at the very end and didn't realize it. In that case, adding some feedback for the player to understand what went wrong would be helpful.

One way you might consider making the game even more enjoyable for everyone is to provide the player with different playing modes.  You could get more creative with the names (like how the game Hades has a "god" mode rather than "easy"). 

For Shifty Witch perhaps there could be an option for "training mode" that is more forgiving to typing errors.

A few ways you might be able to do that is by adding checkpoints into the spells. So if the player gets halfway through the spell and messes up, they can start the spell again from the midway point. Another idea is to allow players to make a few mistakes in each spell.

If the modes are not an option, another way is to ease the learning curve with much shorter spells and progressively make them more complex. I noticed the spells change each time - but they all feel difficult to complete, so I think they need to be less wordy at first.

Hopefully, you found this feedback helpful.  This is a great concept and I'm looking forward to seeing where you take it next. 

Very creative take on the jam theme and awesome music :-)  

What a fun take on the Roll the Dice theme!  Nice job :-) 

This was a fun puzzle game that made great use of the Roll of the Dice theme.  The music and art are so nice - I like just moving the character and hearing the sounds.  I got stuck on level 5 - it's a doozy!   I think this would be a nice phone app that players can come back to after some time has passed if they are stuck- so when they come back with fresh eyes it would feel that much better that they were finally able to pass that level!  

I like how you incorporated the dice theme into this strategy card game.   I don't have windows, so I could only play a bit in the browser even though you mentioned it would crash after defeating the skeleton.  To get a better feel for the game, I watched hedgein's  playthrough on twitch.  

There's a lot to love about this game: the pixel characters - the fact that you play as a penguin, the beautiful scenery that changes as the aspects change, and the battle animations add so much charm to the game.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the game evolves if you decide to continue to work on it after the jam.   

Nice work! The levels were challenging but not too challenging, good music and cute character design. 

Incredible that you created 4 levels for each ability in the jam's short time period - they were all fun to play.

Here's a few things I would love to see in the future if you decide to continue development as I think they could make the game even more enjoyable: checkpoints and giving allowing the player to jump a few frames after leaving the platform. 

This was super fun to play! 

(2 edits)

Cool concept idea!  I played the game a few times before reading the description text, so I went in without knowing what to expect. 

Now, I'm going to tell you the story of my experience playing FPS with Dice - in hopes it inspires some more ideas as you continue development.

In the first room, after shooting the giant die and breaking it up into multiple dice,  I tried to go through the door, but it didn't seem to work, and thought, "Oh, I need to shoot the dice to roll them and make it add up to the number on the wall!"  I did that and tried to go through the door again, but it didn't work.  So I figured I must have missed something...

I refreshed the browser to try again, and this time I realized that I didn't need to shoot the dice I could go straight into the door.    Upon entering the second room, I quickly died. xD  So, I refreshed the page once more, this time doing much better and almost completing the second level. 

Since I still hadn't read the description text, I wondered if the dice had changed the number of hit points the enemies had or how much damage they dealt.

Finally, I read the description text and see that your intention is to have the dice add player and enemy buffs and just haven't implemented it yet.  I'm delighted you submitted the game anyway! Done is better than perfect  :-) 

All that to say, I had fun and see lots of opportunities to taking this idea further. 

Those are awesome ideas -  thanks for the feedback! 

Nice concept and incorporation of the theme.  My favourite part was the music - I found it to be catchy and matched the art style well.  I admit I wasn't the greatest at the game and was happy to see that I could still progress even if I didn't knock down all the cards, and it was rewarding to make it to the end.    

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DieTetris is a game after my heart -  based on one of my fav games,  it put a fun new twist on the classic!  Great presentation: sound, controls, and graphics felt solid to me.  I loved the feeling of getting a combo with the visuals fx and sounds.  Congrats to the team for creating this incredible submission to the jam that works so well with the theme! 

Thanks so much for checking out the game and sharing your thoughts.  We love the idea of adding more board game cafe-related objects into the world too! 

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Thank you for playing and letting us know what you liked and what parts left you feeling a bit confused.  Your comment  will help us improve the game because,  if we develop it further,  we can focus on exploring ideas that will make it easier for players to know where to go and how Dicey's different moods affect the controls.  If seeing an updated version of the game interests you, please let us know, and we'll ping you if we add anything new. 

This is such thoughtful feedback; thank you for taking the time to play the game and share your thoughts.   

You have some great ideas for how we might add some polish.  Thank you for the encouragement that this concept is something that could be built out further. 

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We're super happy that you think so, it's very encouraging to see. Thank you :-)

This is such great feedback - thank you for sharing it.  Glad to hear you enjoyed the graphics and gameplay. If we decide to continue with this project, it's good to know that should explore ways of making it easier for players to know about the moods and their effects. 

(2 edits)

Hey there - thanks for playing and letting us know about your experience with it.  As Thetos already mentioned, you did win (Yea! Nice job!)  

If we continue developing the game, we'll make that clear; sorry for leaving ya hanging!  *Funny side note:*  My husband's a QA test, and recently he had a chance to try it out.  When he got to the end,  he refused to be stuck... and  decided to keep hitting dash until he fell off the screen...  xD

If you're interested in trying it out with updates, please let us know, so we can give you the proper victory screen you deserve!

Thank you for the kind words, we're glad to hear you had a good experience with it.  

We appreciate your kind words and thoughtful feedback that you found it to be too short.  We're considering adding more levels, if that's something that interests you, let us know, and we can ping you if they're added - we'd love to know what you think.  

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Thanks for playing and it's good to know that you like Dicey's mood swings.  Which mood did you like best, and are there any other moods you think we should consider adding if we continue to develop this game?

Thank you for playing the game and sharing your thoughts with us.  We want to create a fun experience that feels rewarding to players, and it sounds like you'd like to see a more shallow learning curve.   I'm glad you brought this up, and If there's anything else you think we should know to help us improve, please feel free to let us know. 

(1 edit)

Awesome feedback! Thanks for playing and sharing your thoughts with us.  Yes, you're right that some moods seem out of power. Making that ability more helpful in potential new-level designs is something we can look into if we decide to continue on the project.  Please let us know if there's anything else you think we should consider.    Many thanks! 

Hey there!  We appreicate the kind words and feedback.  Your wish may come true as we have planned a few more levels that we may add after the jam is over. Thanks for playing :-) 

Glad to hear Dicey's confused mood gave you a bit of a giggle.   Thanks for sharing what you like and what you'd love to see added. We have some more level designs that we're considering adding after the jam. So, if that's of interest to you,  please let me know, and I'll ping you if we end up adding them so you can check them out. Your time and feedback are super valuable, and we appreciate it. 

Thanks for playing the game and your thoughtful feedback! Your point about smoother controls reminds me of something I read about the dev of Super Mario 64. They dedicated months to getting Mario's controls pixel-perfect.   If we decide to continue this project, I'd absolutely love to see Dicey get to that place where moving them around the world is super fun and has an excellent feel to it.

5 stars! Everything works so well together, visuals, music, level design and controls.  

At first, I was a bit worried that it would take a long time to jump on all the dice to try to find the key and was pleasantly surprised when I saw the blocks give tips on what direction to go.  

If you decide to build on it in the future, I'd love to see some narrative and new ways of interacting with the dice. 

Congrats on this submission!