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is it compatible with the most resent stable ren'py vertion(ren'py

Yes, there was a bit of a break of compatibility in the 8.1 versions, but that was fixed with the release of 8.2. It should now run as intended once more.


did renpy 8.2 solve the saving bug?in the description of v0.19.0 log,you say that have the saving bug

yes, renpy 8.2 solved the saving bug

This looks very promising. Before I go deeper into the matter I would like to know if I can use the RPG Map Editor 2 - by Deepnight Games as well or do I have to switch to "Tiled"? Thanks in advance.

Kind regards


Hey Dantom. The project is currently only designed to work with Tiled. No compatibility with other map editing tools has been built in. 

Thank you for your answer, I'll look into Tiled then.

(1 edit)

Hello :) I am really impressed with your work. I worked through the tutorial for hours today and even got a simple game running. When I tested it now I noticed that you can only select a menu with the mouse but not with a controller (e.g. "Dare to press the button?") which is a real pity and affects the game experience imho. Is there a way to change this? Or is it possibly a mistake on my part?

Edit: I tried to change the zorder in the choice screen (screens.rpy) but that was of no avail. It seems that the controller is disabled as soon as a Choice menu appears.

(1 edit) (+1)

Navigating the choices in a menu can be done using the D-pad. 
The problem with using the stick to navigate menu choices is that it was too prone to accidentally selecting an option in the quick menu at the bottom of the screen. By splitting the movement and selection functionalities between different pads, that issue was averted.
If you want to restore the functionality for your game, you can comment out the keymap overrides in key_map_override.rpy. 

Your key assignment makes complete sense! I commented out the changes and got your result described above. Unfortunately my gamepad (Dpad neither sticks) doesn't respond with your key mapping, I think it's my hardware, a $5 Controller for Windows so I tend to turn off the quickmenu. Thanks for your answer and also for the "index_of_gamepad_keys.txt" file. I need to look much deeper into this ;)

Kind regards


Can i use pink engine for android games?

In the current version (0.14.1), there's no support for touchscreen input for pink engine functionality.  It is a planned feature, but not yet implemented.

Looking forward to the sprite collection editor, and everything else is amazing so far!

(2 edits)


I love your engine so much! It's exactly what I need. I try to play around with it, but I only know the Renpy basic codes + just learned how to make Tiled maps so all I do so far is to change the character sprite ha ha. I hope you include a documentation soon! o((*^▽^*))o

I just got this tileset (by GuttyKreum) and made this map on Tiled, but I don't know how to implement it into Pink Engine yet.

Oh my gosh! This looks absolutely AMAZING. Thank you so much for your hard work 🙇‍♂️ I'll try it and let you know my thoughts!