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This looks really good. Are there any  youtube  playthroughs?  I didn't see any. I'm new to solo rpgs and already spent a tidy sum so want to finish some I already bought or see this in actual paly before buying.  However, if it goes on sell I might bite anyway,   I don't think I have any ground up solo sci fi RPGs.  Oh and the artwork looks nice. 

Any of you guys or gals actually play the game. What did you think?  


Hi There!

I'm not aware of any youtube playthroughs of the game, but there was some chat about the game on Reddit closer to the release date and there are some reviews on the drive thru page:

I always add a few community copies of the game up at the end of the month, based on how many sales were made, so if you're unsure about GMless games or just want to give the game a try and see if it's for you, feel free to grab one of the community copies to try it out. I'm adding the community copies for this month today.

If you like the game and want to throw me a couple dollars, you can always purchase a copy later, or there are physical copies available through DriveThruRPG.

THANK YOU! Grabbed a copy. Going to be the next one I play. 

Hey there,

I'm an agent sent by the Uniting Church of Beggars.

I've come here to notified that your game "Utopia," which our Association is having eye on, has run out of "Community Copy."

I ask of you to please grace us with your generosity! Our Mendicant Society would be greatly indebted to you.


I post more community copies near the end of each month, based on the number of copies sold. I posted this months drop a little early so you can grab one. If you miss it, more should be available at the end of next month. 

I thank your benevolence.

The executives at the HQ will be delighted with this good news. After all, they have desired the HD picture of that hot, seducing, tempting veiled robot lady in the game's overview for years. 

As a pact of friendship, our "Alliance of Wanderers and Vagrants " and its entire personnel will be at your disposal anytime. We owe you a big one this time.

Anyway, I've only briefed through the book, but I really like what I'm seeing so far, so I might just spend money to get the game for real. And holy molly, 240 pages are a LOT. My today night is going to be a long one :)