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I just started playing but i'm already in love with Lanneis lol so i'm excited to explore the rest of the game! (just a quick fyi in the scene where the spirit and iris are having hot chocolate theres a message error something like "")

I hope you enjoy it!! Thanks for letting me know about the bug but I couldn't find it myself searching up "sm.mp3" 😭If you happen upon it again, please feel free to attach it here or email me so I can take a look!

I went back in and I had a save file when it appears so I was able to find it hopefully this helps! 😅

Thank you so much!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و


Recently replayed because of the update and now I'm getting the urge to replay all your other games as well! I love the world you've created and built off with this series and every new installment sucks me back in again. Your writing is always the exact sort of warm fuzzy thing to take my mind off the real world for a while even through the angsty emotional roller-coaster plots. The humour especially never disappoints and with the voice acting it makes the delivery even better. Lanneis' line about getting a divorce took out my kneecaps because I wasn't expecting it, the comedic timing was great. Also gotta say, its so cool flipping through the art book and seeing how much your work has improved. Your style of colouring is so light and atmospheric!

I wasn't expecting there to be just so much more added with the extra route but wow! It really fleshed out a lot more with the side characters, so rip I'm yearning for Februum now, was not expecting that lol!

All in all, excellent work as always and I will be eagerly cheering you on for your future projects!!


🥺 Thank you so much...!! It was a lot of work but I'm glad there are people out there who enjoyed it...! T___T

Hehe I'm working on my next project (a light novel) The Doll Witch as we speak!! 👀 I honestly think the story is even better than MOI, so I'm really excited to show it off hopefully next year!!

Thank you for spending your precious time on my stuff...!! T__T

Sorry if this is a little annoying but how do you get all of Rieffe's cgs? I've gotten all of them except what seems to be the very first one. If it's a bad ending cg then never mind (I don't have the heart to play bad ending). BTW absolutely love the game! Just did Rieffe's route and absolutely loved it to bits!! I hope that these games get the love they absolutely deserve!

Thank you! That CG is in Lanneis' route and not anything bad :D


(1 edit)

Just replaying the game with the latest update.

(yes, it's been a while, haha... ha...... so sorry it took so long T_T I've never forgotten about your game, I swear, it's far too memorable for that)

I'd like to mention something... I'm not sure if this is because I've played through the whole thing BEFORE the update, but now when I open the game, the locked route (it's locked when I have to pick between love interests, so that's all working good) shows up when looking in the gallery. As in, the locked love interest's name appears, even while locked, on the right of the gallery, to select which character's photos I want to look at. Now, this might just be me, but I thought to mention it to you just in case... it IS a spoiler, after all, and you might have wanted that to be revealed later than just any newbie coming in and looking to see how many CGs they will be wanting to unlock.

Anyway, I still love your game! I open it up and the music, mixed with your unique art style combine to create such a unique feeling... it's really quite something, and I think now that I'm back, I can finally tell how much I've missed it. Thank you for creating it.

Edit: I'm a fucking moron. Septem's route is literally on this page. I'm so sorry. I just remember not expecting him to be the last route, first time I played, so I got confused. Please ignore me.

T__T I'm glad that got cleared up! And thank you for playing, I'm really happy that you enjoyed my work!! 💗💗💗


I've been enjoying all of it!!Thank YOU for making it! I only know one other person whose art and ideas get me so excited, and it's mainly because I'm biased and have known them irl for a long time haha.

😭😭😭 You're too kind!!

I'm cooking up a novel/Youtube project (The Doll Witch) that'll be ready sometime next year! I hope you enjoy that one too; I think it's a step up from my work so far!!


omg the updates are neat!! everything is so cute and I forgot there's partial voicing now T_T <33 I like what you did to your store page all the items are much clearer to view now! I have a Shuiren print ....muah ❤

been saving the update to play through when I have free time. aaaa will come edit this later so it's not spammy

Thank you so much for your support!!! I hope you enjoy the update! :D

And I'll have to remember to come back and check later to see your thoughts!! 👀 Or you can comment again in a new post, no worries!


I love this so much! It's been a while, and the atmosphere of the game is like diving back into an idyllic fairytale dreamland. I really missed this, I was trying to finish at least a third run before commenting. Each run has something special and extra in it, thank you very much!

I remember blinking back tears at Februum's conversation with Odovacer, before the autoplay led me Wynrou's "I~ri~s!" scene. (my tears dried up like 😐 kjefjvjvnknv) Man. This story makes tosses and turns with my emotions

the humour never disappoints!! Kann and Fionn moments were one of my fav aspects, where Fionn interacts with Februum is simply gold AHAHA

I won't lie, Auggie route got me simping for Februum and Enmei OTL ik I'm supposed to be loyal I knowwwww. anyways, that scene. I'm putting all the magicians in group therapy T_T

now that we have partial voice acting, I should replay the main routes too :D

the lore is amazing om nom nom - otsukare!


Welcome back!! T__T I'm glad you liked it so much!!

NGL I was midkey/highkey trying to make the reader fall for Februum in Auggie's route too... HEHEH! Since it's probably the game's last update, I wanted Febby to shine since we won't be seeing him again until much later.... T___T

Thank you so much for playing! 🥺💗


Will there ever be a release for other character routes in the future?? I loved Jupiter, Wynrou, and Fiuheim so much 🤧💔


Hello hello, thank you so much for loving my boys! (ಥ﹏ಥ)
I'd love to revisit MOI somehow in the future but sadly there isn't much public interest, so I'll be focusing on other projects for the foreseeable future 😭...

I already miss the MOI cast though!! I always suffer when creating the content but now that I'm "done" I'm like, "I miss them, I want to go back :(((" LOOL


Waaah please do keep on going !! I'd really love to see more of this world and its characters 🤧 I really do enjoy seeing the depth of their personalities, lore, and backstories,, 

Hoping to see them again because my heart yearns for them 🙏❣️

(1 edit)

so hard to be a wynrou enjoyer here, he's kind of right there yet out of reach


I'm back for the update... I was not disappointed. The voices are lovely, and the newly introduced characters are delightful (yes even when they are trying to kill us cough cough)

The new sprites?? The CGs??? They're so beautiful. Looking through the gallery I can really see the MASSIVE improvement. Extra shoutout to Iris's..? New? Sprite? (I think it's new but I might just be going senile... am I?) but it's so cute. 

I was TERRIFIED during that section in Auggie's route. Terrified. (Looking was a bad idea for someone as faint of heart as me but I was so curious and now I can't sleep) Oro is still cute though, and cuteness is forgiveness so it's okay. I'm okay totally not traumatized ha ha ha

My heart has been. Healed and then shattered and then healed again. And the lore. THE LORE I desperately need to know more


WAAA TYSM 😭😭😭 Yeah Iris went from 2 to 3 sprites, you aren't insane (yet)!! 😆

I'm glad that THAT part in Auggie's route was scary hehehe since I'm the one making it, I couldn't tell if it was or not LOL

I'm so glad you enjoyed the lore too 😭🙏 One day we'll return to August...!!! 


i’m back again :D so happy to revisit this game! Auggie’s route was nothing short of adorable- i haven’t quite exhausted all the dialogue but i’ve gone through his route a couple times and i adore it, very sweet with the expected angst dribbled in as needed (poor Oro ;;;)

Auggie’s route really felt like the icing on the cake- he brought in tons more lore and some fluff! i’m a sucker for angst but it’s nice to have something to cool down with after the true ending,,, also, the voice acting is gorgeous! beautiful casting honestly

thank you, once again, for making this game


I'm glad you liked it!! T__T I'm glad you felt for Oro even though he's objectively awful LOL ❤️ Which was totally my intention--


oh my goodness i remember playing these years ago...i can't afford to get it right now, but I will in the future! Just wanted to say I'm very excited to see this come to fruition after being a fan of the games when I was younger :)


Thanks so much! Yeah it's been like... 7-8 years since the first one came out!? T__T Time flies!

Thanks for keeping MO in your memories, and I hope you'll enjoy the newer games. I've grown a lot as a creator, too!!

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