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Lol this was cute!

The only problems I have is that the minigame wasn't explained. I mean, I understood that it was a match 3, but not everyone might. Also, it didn't say what scores I needed, so I kinda panicked and did a try-hard lol. Last one is that you accidentally mispelled innate as inhate. 

Still, very nice, short game! ^-^ Maybe you could translate it into different languages one day?


Thank you very much!

that's fair, a short explanation never hurts; the minigame is entirely optional though

and to be honest your reaction to it is the exact one I was hoping for so thank you \^^/

innate! that's how it's spelled! I keep misspelling because I mistake it with 'inherent'. I'll remember now for sure

Thanks again! next one on my translation list was goldfish because it's short but I'll keep this in mind


Short & sweet, love it :D

Especially loved the part where Vilnaf pointed out the omnivore thing haha, touché Vilnaf, touché.


his was the first ending I wrote and I may or may not be very proud of that line

Thank you!!!


That was sooo sweet! I only managed to get Vilnaf's ending of the 3 brothers. And it's nice that it's inspired by a fairy tale. I just love games like this. Thanks for doing this game  <33

Short and sweet, just what I aimed for! The endings for all three brothers work the same way and I like how they all turned out

Thank you very much, I'm very happy to hear it~

can I upload your game on YouTube 

If you mean a letsplay, then I'd love to see it!


Short and cute! A couple things made me laugh. I think Janif's ending was my favorite just from his well thought out meal plans. The art was cute, and I like how the main character was written. Everyone is so chill with breaking and entering. It's fascinating.

someone has to think about food in this family
Thank you very much!!!