Thanks for almost 150 followers and more than a thousand browser plays!

Hello everyone! Unfortunately I do not bring any updates to the game. Sorry for those who thought this was an update. Although from the title I suppose you should have known it was not going to be something new. 

Rather, I am here to thank you for all of your support. The game has gotten so much reviews, comments and plays within the past 4-5 days. Immediately on its release As the Ocean Lures was a hit and the browser games have continued to soar. 

Originally I decided not to make a thank-you post because I felt it wasn’t important. And that I didn’t deserve the praise. But it is. You, the reader, encourage me to write more. There is so much support by the game that I feel overwhelmed by it. 

So…thank you. Thank you all so much for your support. Thank you all for the plays, the love, and just about everything a dev could ask for. I never thought this game would become as popular as it is, especially within such a small timeframe. This game could never compare to other games on, but…I’m glad it’s doing as well as it is.

Also, as a side note, I am aware of some grammar mistakes in the game. I didn’t realize it until after it was published and I was going through a game, which is when I caught those mistakes. I’ve gotten them fixed, but it won’t be updated until the addition of the second chapter. So don’t worry about it!

Have a wonderful day or night!

❤️ Aurie


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Yay, congrats!!!


<3 <3 <3

