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I just added a HDD Launcher and 8 Colour icon. Just copy the contents of the HDDStart.lha to where ever you install the .LHA package, in the MY folder. This is the same folder as the executable is in. Then run the icon from there. See Dev Log for more info.


I would like to try it out on my classic A500 with 020/8MB Fast but only HDF-file is available for Download. Would you be able to offer an lha-archiv for Download please? That would be awesome ...

Thank you and keep the magic alive !!!

(1 edit)

Hi there.  Ok I copied all the files on my HDF to an LHA file, which you can now download. It's the 8MB V1.05b version, which should be fine with 10MB.  You will need to assign the directory for it to run. Go into CLI, and type:

Assign CanDo:  <destination> (e.g. Dh0:Games/Cando)

Or run AssignX to select this at run time.

**Don't forget - this needs Kickstart 3.0 or better**

Thank you. I'll try it out this evening and let you know.

Guess it didn't work then??

It works so far, but there seems to be a problem with the screen-resolution. Not all of the text is visible and some elements have wrong position.

Hi there.  Thanks for showing those images. I guess I could make a HDD installer for it, but for now, look inside My folder for the Fonts folder. Copy all the fonts to your hard drive (e.g. CLI: Copy Fonts DH0:/Fonts ALL).  Or you could add the path of the new fonts (e.g. CLI: Path Dh0:Cando/My/Fonts Add). Then it should find the condensed60 font and also smallfont, and the game should look like my screenshots.  Glad it is working! :)

Ok, I uploaded a launcher. Just copy the files to the MY folder where ever you installed this to the HDD. It should work with your setup. Can you test it for me?

Hi there. I made 1.3C but the system wont let me upload it until after the Jam ends in 11 days. It contains a new title track, a working radio with two stations, and some text when players click on things. So it should be the final version.

Nice game and good idea. Thank you.

Thanks for trying it out. :)


Nice game!