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I hope you are having a good day :).

Just wanted to quickly let you know that I have recently started a full playthrough of your game and so far have been very much enjoying it!

I uploaded the first episode today and honestly, I have never seen so many views on one of my videos in such a short space of time, so hopefully, this will translate into a few more downloads ;)!


Best wishes,


Hi, nice video. I've just published an update you might want to check out

Hi, that's awesome!

I already have episode 3 recorded and edited, but I shall download the new version and will be making more videos of the game. At present, they are being released every Thursday at 12:00pm  (GMT).

Thank you for checking-out my video, I really appreciate the support :D!

Actually download the update a bit later so i can fix it up lol. there is a small bug

Okay, no problem :).

I was half-planning recording it tonight, but I can wait a couple of days if you need me to.

Thanks for letting me know :)!

Hi, it should be fixed now. If you have any issues please let me know