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Not only did you break the GBJAM rule that says assets are to be created during the period of the jam you used 3rd party assets that you don't even own the rights to.

Please don't cheat in game jams its not fair to the other contestants who followed the rules.

Nice game, I remember having Super Mario Land on the Gameboy so hits that nostalgia spot for me. Nice varied levels, but I feel like it could have moved faster. 

Thanks for playing!  I hoped someone would get a giggle out of Daisy dispatching the end boss. :)

Haha, yeah, that was a good moment,  why was there shmup bosses in that game to begin with?

This is pretty good for your first game ever. Interesting design choices going on and everything.

Thanks so much!  The game jams are super inspiring, but there's no way I could have done something in 48 hours.  I learned so so much.  :)