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Programmer/2D Pixel Artist looking to join their first jam

A topic by crab_delivery created 38 days ago Views: 157 Replies: 3
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Hello, I am an aspiring game developer. Currently I have no released games, but I have been working on one in GameMaker for about a month and a half as well as having a history of student-level software engineering experience. I am looking to join my first jam, I can program and make decent 2D art (examples on my profile).
Link to example art on my profile:

I also know C#, GML, Java, and have worked in GameMaker and Unity. If you would like a resume or any other examples of my art, please let me know.


Hey Crab - I cant see your art via that link. What is your Discord? 

Dang, I thought that my profile page would be public lol. My Discord is crabdeliverypleaseopendoor.

I don't suppose you would want to join the preggo game jam? I am putting together a team for it and your skills would be invaluable.