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A member registered May 13, 2023 · View creator page →

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Lol - the first time I put him in he could go through walls so he scared the hell out of me in the first room

(1 edit)

I had a little too much fun pushing penguins lol. The pre-train push was key. Fun game! A little movement on their end could make it a little trickier but overall, this was a good time. Im laughing at how much lighter hearted this is compared to my game.

We wanted to fix the shield issue before we shipped we were just cutting it so close on the deadline. I realized later it would be like 1 line of code. Either way thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed the boss battle, it even scared the hell out of me the first time I implemented it. Originally it can run through walls so it came in the first level which I wasn't expecting lol. Heard on the combat "juiciness", weve been talking about how to spice that up.

This reminds me of the Toy Story games I used to play on my PS2, really cool. The camera perspective change from room to room and the animations were really smooth. Would be cool to see this built out!

This is cool! Gave me Runescape vibes instantly - i'd definitely echo the damage distance from below, but the UI was really crisp!

Thanks for the review! We are thinking about making it a rogue like and adding infinite levels in the future, stay tuned! And also i have no idea what the cookies thing was haha

This video was awesome to watch as a creator! Really appreciate your thoughts and glad you enjoyed it!

Creative approach to the platformer! Made me want to just buzz around on max energy the whole time haha.

Had a couple of my fiends watching me play this while I was on discord and they were ripping into me for my wall jumping abilities. This was a fun one!

So simple.... but so damn frustrating! Haha this was a lot of fun

"UR Dead" LOL, love the dash mechanic, feels so smooth

Appreciate the thoughts! Our artist and sound designer were next level!

Hey All - Im looking to either do the 36 hour Jam or the Mini Jam this weekend and want to pull in an artist. I have done a jam in the past and work on some stuff on the side, but im definitely still new and a little rusty. I'm a sucker for medieval art style but down to mess around with anything - not looking to take this too seriously, but would also like to make something cool. Some of my work is below

Hey Crab - I cant see your art via that link. What is your Discord? 

Hey All - Ive done a Jam before and work on my own stuff on the side. Im just getting back into things so may be a little rusty, but would love to pull an artist onto the team and have some fun with it.

This is some of the stuff ive done in the past

Hey All - first time doing a jam, ive been learning C# and Unity and building sprites in Aesprite, but am still definitely a beginner. Happy to join a team and help however I can or join up with some other noobs and see what we can do.

Hey All, I have taken a few online classes in C# and Unity and have been building out my own game using Aesprite. I'm brand new but would love to learn / hop in on a team to help.