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My free project not showing up when searching its name

A topic by O_TIRE created 91 days ago Views: 113 Replies: 2
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I know a lot of people have the same problem. I've read the docs & a lot of discussions about this topic but I couldn't solve my problem.

When  I search for my game on Itch, it doesn't show up but when I search it on Google, it shows up.

Also when searching up my name, I can find myself but it says I have zero projects but when I click on my name, my game shows up.

This is my first game and I've released it for about a day and half. I'm not sure if it is not indexed yet & I should wait more or there is a problem with it.

Thanks for taking your time & reading my question.


You missed the part where it says to wait for a few days, longer if it's your first project, and in any event until after the weekend. Hope this helps.

Oh, I thought that is only for people who want to sell their game. Thanks, I'll wait.

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