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I Want to Help Three People with Their Game

A topic by gamercomposer created Jan 23, 2024 Views: 293 Replies: 15
Viewing posts 1 to 9

Yoiiii, I am a freelance quality assurance play-tester. I've been working in the industry for over a decade. A lot of you are making games and/want some and may need some professional feedback to make your project better and stand out. I can offer that.


I have done QA / playtesting for Disney, Naughty Dog and Warner Bros for several years as a contractor. I’ve also done QA for many small indies.

I have shipped over 20 games thus far and have consulted with many indie teams. In addition, I own over 800 physical copies of retro games and I'm steadily playing through the library. I have been playing games since I was six years old so, I know a lot of about design and can offer some valuable feedback to improve your game.

Contact Method: DM on Discord @gamercomposer 


I've just sent a discord friend request!


can you try my latest game "missed call"?

Sure. Send me a message on Discord with the name of the game and we will go from there


wowza very nice res. My game is still in the prototype phase so not sure if you help with direction. But I'd like to keep your contacts for later if that's cool. 

Thank you! I do help with direction too. Feel free to keep my contact and reach out when ready. Thank you.


Thanks so much for playtesting for Cat Powered UFO!

To other developers reading this.

If you are serious about making your game as good as possible I highly recommend gamercomposer.

He makes videos of himself playing your game and speaks his moment-to-moment thoughts for you.

This is really useful, it's likely you'll have many oversights in your design that you are completely blind to.

Seeing someone else play your game in real time helps identify these blind spots.


Thanks a million for the kind words! Cat Powered UFO was a pleasure to play! Great story and solid pacing.

Happy Thursday Devs! I have two slots that just opened. If anyone else is in need for feedback especially if you did not attend GDC, PAX East, SXSW but are looking gear up for PAX West reach out.

Contact Method: DM on Discord @gamercomposer 

(1 edit) (+1)

I want you to play test my airplane game. (No need to be afraid. No 9/11 references) Its the only game on my itch page. (Just know settings which includes difficulty, control settings, ect. is on the top right of the screen)

Great! Thank you for the peace of mind there too :) You know how to get in touch. We discuss further from there.

It says your not accepting friend requests.

Thank you for the reminder. I just opened up the requests. It will be opened for 24 hrs

Happy Wednesday Devs! I just finished another round of play-testing a few more developers. I have a few slots open. If anyone else is in need for feedback especially if you did not attend GDC, PAX East, SXSW but are looking gear up for PAX West reach out. 

Contact Method - Email me : (I will reply within 24 hours)

It would be absolutely awesome if you could test our game "Bunny Bunker"
I will contact you via mail!

Kind regards

We would like for you to test our Play Together!

It's our first PC game and your feedback would be very helpful!

I will also contact you through the e-mail.