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What website services do you use for your portfolio?

A topic by Jurtis created Nov 04, 2023 Views: 332 Replies: 11
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I'm just curious because I'm new to and want to make music for games but I still need to compile my work into an online portfolio. I haven't gotten any good/sound advice as to what website building or website hosting services to use. I know some basic web development so if making your own website is the best way to go let me know too.

i hope someone replies with an answer because i need to know too :(

Good question, I'd also like to know.

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Making your own is always the best option.

While I don’t have a “portfolio” per se, I do at least showcase my work on my website that I host statically on GitLab. GitHub also has this feature.

At the moment I intend to move the whole thing onto a good VPS, which would free me from any Git company at all. I’m in no rush, though, as nothing’s broken yet.

If you make music probably on here, SoundCloud or Bandcamp. I normally make a set of tracks and put them out there and use them in my own games as I see fit. I've only ever created 1 album from start to finish for the sole purpose of every single track is for a game

How many tracks do you make (on average?) & would you be willing to share the link to me? I love listening to game / movie soundtracks while developing or hiking/long walks.


I've made heaps mate. No more for now. I used old Macintosh software to make them and I reached the limit of what I could make with it

Go nuts there's heaps there. Few moody types for some hikes that's for sure

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I used to have my own website years ago, maybe I'll revive it in a future.

I'm not a web developer (so this is an amateur advice), at the time I used bluehost (it used to be a couple of bucks a month + domain registration fee), they provide managed hosting which eases the process a lot. 

If you want something as simple as a blog or a portfolio, I believe they have some building tools nowadays, but a bit of html + css + js knowledge always helps, specially If the provider doesn't give you any front-end tools to work with, which in case I recommend you dig through some online templates, there are some very good out there.

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Purchase a domain of your choice, then hook it up with a website builder of your choice. Some providers offer both domain + website kit in a bundle. Examples: wix, mailchimp (goes with email marketing tool), wordpress, squarespace, Technically, you could even use carrd for this.

For music in particular use soundcloud, bandcamp, audius, youtube (iirc you still have to use either when you have your own site and want to link to your music). Having an additional site or blog to showcase your work is a bonus.

I've used Squarespace and Wix -- both have lots of customizable templates you can use. But don't pay full price for either of them. There are  Youtubers that sometimes have promotional codes for different website builders. At the time I was using the one Techlead had  for Squarespace. 

Thank you all so much for the responses :)