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'Collections' Malfunctioning

A topic by Taylos created Oct 18, 2018 Views: 1,295 Replies: 4
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(3 edits)

Hey there,

I'm new to itch and experiencing an issue where I created a game collection, deleted it, and am now finding that my 'Collections' tab is displaying an error because it's trying to access a list/collection that no longer exists. Problem is, I have more than one collection, and because of this issue, it's not displaying my other lists in the app either. I'm not sure that there is a solution available here, but I thought I bring this to someone's attention. I've tried ressarting the app to no avail. I can only assume there is some kind of cache that needs to be cleared, but I'm unsure how to do it, or where it's located.


Update: My other collections are now appearing, but my deleted one hasn't gone away yet

Another Update: Everything has fixed itself, so I guess collections are just updated much more slowly than I had expected them to


Thanks for the report. Once you delete a collection it should disappear immediately. My guess is that the app cached the collection and didn't remove it locally after it was deleted. We'll look into this.


They are cached for 30 min right now:

I wouldn't expect the app to break if a collection disappears though, I'll definitely have to test for that.

I think, for me, new collections that I added were added in about 30min. The cached, but non-functioning collection I deleted persisted for longer than that, however.

Happy to report things are now working exactly as intended, and refreshing syncs collections immediately