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A member registered Jun 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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We are a team of two programmers an currently looking for artist and music composer if you want to join us do DM me on "zapzoop0099" or reply here instead

sorry mark we found our composer but thanks for reaching out.

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Have fun participating

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I am godot developer have been participated in few game-jams

Can do programming and game design if anyone needs a programmer or game designer do reply

Thank you so much

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You can use ventoy  for multiple iso(This should be the correct name as I remember)

Yo One of the most polish games I played the starting was nice cool puzzle level I do think it is limited to tutorial only due to deadline but nailed it in this time frame 

Yo One of the most polish games I played the starting was nice cool puzzle level I do think it is limited to tutorial only due to deadline but nailed it in this time frame 

This game gives the christmas vibe 5 star there I like the lore of game but there were some translation error I guess but overall really nice game.
I read your comments and I do think you just need to advertise your game more to get more ratings. 

(I came here after that virus post you made)

Try to rate ours too

My teammate has rated!!

Played! really enjoyed can you also rate ours

Why is it rated by so few must deserve attention really nice game with unique approach

Why is it rated by so few must deserve attention really nice game with unique approach

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Anvil was going to be a more important aspect but due to deadlines can't really implement more into game

That was our inspiration sadly cant implement proper logic like "paper please" but we had fun making it

Thank you glad you like it

Would Recommend every developer to put up web version of thier game if possible as it helps other to rate your games and also keep others safe 

I am not using windows, Gotta ask my teammates to test it will revert back soon!!

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Unique race game A bit harder to control but was really good. Mini game do add quite a value to it really enjoyed just struggled on controls.
Came back to play again and comment :))

Relaxing game the christmas theme song never gets old, a small problem in the web version is though that clicking on esc do make your screen smaller but it can be dealt with overall really nice

Do rate ours too!!

Hey nice game It was chaotic and have to keep eye on literally everyone good game
Do rate ours too

Wow what an implementation of anvil certainly one of the unique ones also this game feels very fresh and complete gameplay is fun just if there was a way to pick up presents after they were taken far away then it would help me as Its kind of hard for me but really enjoyed the game can't find any bug and a compelte game overall nice job!!

Do rate ours too!!

Wow what an implementation of anvil certainly one of the unique ones also this game feels very fresh and complete gameplay is fun just if there was a way to pick up presents after they were taken far away then it would help me as Its kind of hard for me but really enjoyed the game can't find any bug and a compelte game overall nice job!!

Do rate ours too!!

Hey Please rate mine too

Glad you like it have fun and thank you

Thank you, 

[Inside Story: Thier was a bug that made it unplayable at a late stage]

Its just a simple fun game with the intent to make user laugh nothing serious have fun and thank you

Thank you so much

Thanks it was a silly take on anvil

Hey it was really good, sweet and small time killer and it do starts slow but really crack up the speed in last level very well made
do rate our game to

This is simply an underrated gem its so good and polished I really like the atmosphere it gives proper immersion really nice job

This is simply an underrated gem its so good and polished I really like the atmosphere it gives proper immersion really nice job

The gameplay is really nice just I can't understand what characters were those one was snowman one was candy and the other? sorry for this question but I really wanna know what that thing suppose to represent anyways great job and do check ours too

The gameplay is really nice just I can't understand what characters were those one was snowman one was candy and the other? sorry for this question but I really wanna know what that thing suppose to represent anyways great job and do check ours too

Really nice it is a bit difficult for me but managed to get hammer via upgrades please do rate ours game too and comment

Yeh it was just to suprise the player

It was good really like the theme of it the eeire vibe it gives and it captures that sadness of someone leaving on holidays really give the vibe very well

It was good really like the theme of it the eeire vibe it gives and it captures that sadness of someone leaving on holidays really give the vibe very well

Do rate this too please