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A member registered Sep 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing, you didn't miss anything the game is strictly mouse only.

Great submission and loved the sound track. Well done

Really neat game, I found the controls a little tricky for aiming but the graphics were top notch here. My only other complaint would be that I killed the monster infront of the boss so every time I shot at the boss, it hit the monsters corpse making it very difficult to kill the boss. In the future, disable colliders when something dies :)
All in all, great submission.

I really enjoyed the voice over lines but some music would've been great as well. My major complaint is that I kept falling through the world in different places and there was no jump. I fell off the world 4 times and finally just quit the game. I would love the see a video of the end boss.

Hello thank you for the valuable feedback and I am glad you enjoyed the game. The tutorial missed out on explaining the core mechanic.....balancing the sleigh if it tilts too far and stays there for a short period it is game over. It isn't instant game over as the sleigh can recover once the presents all land again in the back.

Unfortunately the presents getting stuck was an issue I wasn't able to get a proper fix it. I iterated on it several times but did notice there still to be an issue.

Thanks again for the feedback and playing.

Thank you for the feedback, sorry about the difficulty, it was a late change that broke the game :(

Thank you for the feedback and glad you enjoyed the game.

Thank you for playing!

Well done, the soundtrack sets the mood perfectly.

Great job, very different from all of the other submissions. Well done.

Wow great submission! My only complaint was I wish there was a fast forward button while waiting for customers. I Found myself just waiting with the wall full of tools. All in all, a great submission, well done.

Neat little game, the SFX got  a little annoying after awhile but well done, great submission.

Wow, great submission. Beautiful and the music is on point as well. Well done.

I enjoyed your game and couldn't agree more that the anvil is a terrible item. Great submission!

Neat concept but I found it became repetitive, all in all really liked the game though. Well done.

Great entry! I am impressed with how much you were able to complete, well done. My only complaint would be about the amount of dialog, I ended up just fast forwarding and not readying it by the end. All in all, great submission.

Enjoyed the story, well done.

Well done, I really liked the art and design of the game, I did find it a bit too easy though but I enjoyed it nonetheless. 

Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah I broke the difficulty at the last minute, you were only supposed to throw presents in the one side and let or not let the evil elf throw anvils in the front to counter balance the presents. 

Thanks for playing though.

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing!

I enjoyed playing your game and thankyou for actually putting a tutorial in! Great work!

Loved the graphics and the intro, I struggled with the gameplay though I kept thinking I would travel in the direction of the mouse when pressing forward but it was a literal forward etc. Regardless, well done.

Neat little game, how do you kill the bastards though? Shooting them either either gun didn't do anything, only the grenades and hammer killed them.

Nice little game, I must say I wasn't sure what to do at the end though, I kept trying to destroy the Christmas tree but couldn't.

Nice game, great submission. There is a lot of depth for a jam game, well done.

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

Well done, absolutely love the art and sound. Great entry.!

Love the art, gameplay is fun too. Well done!

Not too sure what I am doing here, it said I'd won but I just held down shift.

How do you run this game?

Unfortunately the game kept crashing for me when I clicked on the homescreen. :(

Good game, nice and polished! Great work.

I think I broke the game, I kept reloading but couldn't shoot anymore. It was fun before that though, great job!

Fun little game, I did get stuck on some of the slopes but you had jump to get around it. Good little game, well done.

Hey mate, your game doesn't run for some reason, throws an error about unity dll's missing.

Great submission! I had a lot of fun playing it.

I wasn't too sure how to play this, how do you interact with anything? I tried space, clicking, e. Let me know and I'll come back to your game

Fun little game, I however found a bug that would let me upgrade to the axe right away and get a -60 snowball count. This of course made the game very easy as the axe kills in 1 hit.

Al in all, nice little entry though, well done.

Nice little game, too bad there wasn't audio to go with it. 

Interesting little game, nice to see a 3D entry, well done.