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A member registered Dec 18, 2023 · View creator page →

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I am not good at games like this, but it's very cool. 

It's fun, but everytime I pick up an item, the item starts to oscillate really fast. Also I believe a crosshair will be helpful for the players

The visuals and audio are professional, but the gameplay was a bit confusing, I pressed space multiple times and nothing happens

Thanks! I have rated yours!

Excellent bgm & artwork!

Thanks! I have rated yours! 

Thanks! I have rated yours!

The game is well made, I like the cutscenes!

The game is well made, I like the cutscenes!

Thanks! I have rated  yours!

Thanks! I have rated  yours!

I love how different gifts give you different buffs!

The game was suprisingly fun, I encountered an anvil once and it said "was voted the worst special object". The artwork is cute!

It's fun! But we need a detailed tutorial

The controls works well for me , but I would like to see more levels

It's a cute game!

Great graphics, did you design the assets on your own? It made me think of those pokemon games

You guys implemented the anvil well! I like the design of the skill tree

The game made by my team is, a game inspired by splatoon.

There are sooo many submission in this game jam, so I believe it's essential to promote my game. Leave a comment and I’ll rate your game!

Merry Christmas!

I have rated your game. Could you please rate my game Merry Christmas!

Amazing artists & voice actor! I got stuck on the main menu, I rated this game based on the video uploaded by Scotian Wolf

Cool pixel art!

I did not expect the bad ending T_T

Please rate my game I have not submit my rating to your game, where is your anvil by the way?