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Jude Campbell

A member registered Jun 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Too easy to accidentally walk into the boss, but other than that, this was great. The idea of letting the player leave with their score or let the boss mutate and potentially get a higher score is a really cool take on the theme.

very nice got intense towards the end damn

The mutations were cool, but the game was way too difficult. Animations should be way faster and skeletons should probably have less health.

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The art was really nice. The animations should probably be shorter so that you're allowed to really speedrun and get a high score. I got 14 and I can't imagine getting much higher than that. That said some of the animations were cool like how Santa just peaces out and disappears.

Art style is very cool. I feel like the game would've been more fun to play irl, I might even try that because the design is quite good. It does feel a bit slow in game, but overall very well made

Thanks! Though I never really thought of it as a puzzle game, to be honest.

Cool game, I liked the power ups. Wish there was some way to bring the presents back to the centre, mine kept drifting outward.

Nice work, probably the best cover art I've seen so far. And I love that the quitting options says "spend time with your family" 😂 could be improved by random spacing between the houses but other than that a nice little game

I have never heard so many oof sounds effects in my life lol. I like how chaotic this got super quickly, and how brisk the levels were. Each level was a decent step up in challenge too. Nice work!

Cool game, I ended up getting like 130 points. Sometimes the merge wasn't working, not sure whether that's a bug or there's something I didn't know. The physics were well done and it was cool how some objects were harder to keep on the anvil than others. Nice work

There was something really creepy about this game, not sure if it was intentional. The cat was just sitting there menacingly! In the game page it says something about adding a cozy/stressed metre which the game would definitely benefit from. Still cool with very good animations and intuitive point and click movement.

Interesting format and it's nice to see a game here where the target demographic isn't just fellow game devs. Staying awake could've been more interesting, maybe having a different minigame every time rather than just spamming space bar. Still, nice job on the story and cutscenes.

This game was amazing I cracked up a few times, the one where it said "voted for anvil as special object" was hilarious. At first I thought the gameplay was kind of lame because it ultimately amounts to sharing the opinions of the dev to win but as I played I realised it was part of the punch line, like realising that "enjoying a disney film" is counted as a bad thing 😂 actual goated game and the illustrations are just hilarious too

One of the better games I've played so far for sure. The art and audio was top notch, and it was really unsettling at times. I wasn't a fan of the jokes though, I felt like you should have dedicated yourself more towards furthering the eeriness rather than subtracting from it with comic relief. Also, I'm not sure if this is intentional but early on the character says they seldom feel sharp pain in their feet. Seldom means not or don't but I got the impression the character actually did feel sharp pain, I could be wrong though. Overall a really nice creepy horror game and well made too.

Nice work. I got to about 400 cookies. 12 minutes is definitely too long but to be fair there's some nice challenge escalation from the left to the right anvil plus requiring extra presents. I liked the music too.

I liked it, I've seen similar games but it was an interesting move having the anvil sway back and forth like that, made it feel unique. There's some physics issues in that sometimes snowflakes can glitch through the anvil, maybe this could be fixed by making the anvil collider droop much lower compared to what anvils look like on screen? And the snowflakes could stand out a bit more from the background. Other than that it was really good.

Thanks! I’ll check out your game soon

Already rated!

A bit basic, but a nice foundation for a cookie clicker sort of game. I think that these types of games definitely benefit from letting you click as fast as you want, instead of having a click cooldown. Other than that it was pretty cool.

Nice work! The music was actual flame idk if you made it but it's actually great. The gameplay is fun as well, I like how quickly the challenge escalates. That said, past 150 it was super difficult but that's not a bad thing and it made the anvil move all the more satisfying.

I really liked this one, nice creative gameplay. It was maybe a bit too hard to lob the presents to the other side of the sleigh, but other than that it was really enjoyable.

The backstory cracked me up, and the gameplay was good, obviously the movement was meant to have a sketchy sort of aesthetic but adding a bit more power to the jump would've gone a long way I think. Also why's the death animation so violent lmao that came outta nowhere 😂

Cute game, and very impressive to make 2 games in one. I liked them both, especially the first one since it went from relaxing to completely chaotic pretty quickly. The second one was also good but dragged a bit, maybe the challenge should escalate faster. I also really liked the music and the little cutscenes in between gameplay. Nice work

This game kicked my ass I won't lie, I couldn't get past wave 5. The gameplay was good but sometimes bullets would curve to hit me and I couldn't see a way to tell. This could actually be a really great mechanic if the curved bullet enemies were coloured differently, but right now it kinda feels cheap to get hit by a bullet that tracks you. I love the music though

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If you rate and comment on my game, I'll do the same for yours. Thanks!

Thanks so much dude yeah I want to get more people to play it! I'm working on a WebGL build right now as well as gif screenshots which should help. This video actually helps a bunch I think: 

The game is very bug free with good graphics and really funny voice acting. The gameplay was pretty good for such a short game but if you were to expand you would definitely need to test the player's detective and puzzle solving skills right now. Cool though and the end cracked me up, what the hell indeed

nah fr this was probably the best looking game on the jam I've seen so far but it could use an aiming reticle

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What is this light yagami ass santa bro 😂 what was wrong with giving out coal

Thanks! I would love it if you could rate the game on the submission page as well.

The look and feel of the game were on point. This is probably a tutorial issue rather than gameplay issue, but I got to a point where the grinch was there but I had no special ability so I died. I'm not really sure how you get the special ability but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do.

What I saw was fun, but unfortunately I ran into 3 times where I was stuck and had to exit out of the game. The first two was when I fell off the side of the map and the third time was when the crates I needed were lumped together and I'm pretty sure there was nothing I could do to move them.

Very impressive for three days and a cool aesthetic.

Really cool submission. I found that I could stack make a candy cane ladder by calling back one and then throwing immediately. Obviously this isn't intended so I didn't use it but I think you could fix it by having a cooldown so you can't throw the canes right after calling them back. I also wish that there would more interesting problems more often, most of it was a simple matter of sticking a cane in a wall and then jumping on it. The bit at the end where you put two canes on top of each other was a really cool moment though, I wish there were more like it. I noticed that throwing a cane at a moving platform lead it to suspend in the air, maybe this could be used as a mechanic? Really cool game though with good art and music and gameplay that's good but could be even better with some expansion.

Nice work. Wasn't sure what to do once I'd completed the objective though. I assumed the red anvil must have something to do but couldn't work it out.

Obviously very short but a nice little prototype. I like the little sock guy what a goat

For sure I’ll play it tonight

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The transparent boundary should disappear after you have found the G key, and have finish skipping through the dialogue at the top left using [E]. That said, this could be a bug I’ve just never seen.

Thanks to anyone that plays my game! Please let me know if you see any bugs. In case you're wondering, the hexagon is meant to be an imprisoned elf but I didn't get time. If you want an extra challenge, try to free the hexagon!