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A member registered Dec 30, 2023

Recent community posts

Sorry, but our team is complete again. We're no longer looking for members

Yep, I've sent you an invite on discord. We're a team of 3 programmers, musician and 1 pixel art artist already

(1 edit)

Hello everyone,

We have just lost one of our 2D artists due to unforeseen life circumstances, so yet again we're looking for a new teammate.

We're a team currently consisting of 5 people:

2 programmers, programmer / designer, 2D artist (mainly pixel art) / designer, musician.

Feel free to contact me, if you're interested :)

Request sent. You're taking the last spot :)

Sure, buddy, I've send you a request

Sure, give me a shout on Discord. I'm dawid1195 :)

(1 edit)

Hello everyone,

I'm a Unity programmer with roughly one year of experience, I've completed both introductory (2D and 3D) courses and made a couple of small games, so although I wouldn't call myself experienced, I know the basics to program the game from the start till the end. I'm looking at this gamejam as yet another opportunity to gain some experience and do something fun.

I don't really have any good abilities when it comes to visuals.

I'm open to join any team or form a new one. It will be my first online game jam and second in total.

Ps. I have experience using source control