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A member registered Aug 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice little puzzle, the voice and the sounds are cool. I kept doing the puzzle on all orientations but didn't work, I just knew that it won't really work when I saw the comments.

Here's my game,

cool game, nice gameplay, tried to brute force it 102 clicks with 101 buttons lol

The 3D models are simple and consistent throughout which is nice. Presentation is extremely well done I think that part is the most developed part, the animations, the smoothness, the UI, and the camera movement.

The physics part is cool and I think there's a lot that can be expanded from there. 

Cool art, I saw a bug, dead characters even if you rest, is still marked as dead but they still have hp, the first 3 of my characters died then rested for the 7th day, when only six died, my game ended.

Also Weixian hates mielle so much and still hits her even though mielle is dead x.x

cien rat, hO ym dog, sti' radh ot dear. Not into VN but, tried to finish it and at least understand what's going on, the story is nice, I like that there are multiple endings, haven't seen the other endings even though it's eight

Monster, Library, Office, and Kitchen.

Never thought someone would like my art HAHAH, I was running on a strict 2 frame animation . Thanks the design was spontaneous, I am aiming for random monster shapes and also want it to look like a little related to chromatic aberration.

based, thank you, the burn is just janky, it has a 0.5s fire tick so between that time the burn can't register which I forgotten to fix together with the 0.25s invincible time(all entity) which makes it even worse xD

nice graphics and movement. The way the world is created together with the movement is fun, the combat feels a bit off and too different, I like the idea of collecting stickers though and might be used for further exploration

cool concept, short, it is like I just tested the mechanics and then done xD but still fun nonetheless

Nice graphics, art, gameplay and animation, the movement feels fluid.

I accidentally closed my game on wave 40, midas gives so much gold. I love jumping from the base to the bridge while  missiling the slimes after maxxing out the speed. 

The only thing that lacks is the wave system, I think it's a rush, you can immediately spawn another wave while a wave is on going, the wave wait time reaches 1000+ lol, and the enemies don't get strong.

Finished it, the rotation of the triangle is broken I don't know if that's intentional, simple and scalable gameplay I'm imagining endless levels, how many triangles can you quickly combine. Also like the other guy said, the game feels too different from the 3D part.

Finished the game, nice game with future potential, there are so many things that can still be added in the game and it already has a lot going on in it. Custom Pieces, rooms and a little store to take a break and spend your earnings which also resets the retry to $1, +1 piece steal is OP, the others are somewhat lackluster, I just save for reset fights, but still nice to haves if you don't plan to even lose a fight. 

At first, I was expecting the enemies to have AI, but that was just me, depends on what you are going for. In my opinion, AI will make it more like a tactical game, w/o AI will make it more like a puzzle game. I just realized while writing this, it is a weird combination, when using the store, you are preparing for a puzzle, "what am I going to do in my resources so my future rooms can be solved", "am I going to use this piece that I'll be buying" and you don't know what you are going to prepare for, it gives an impression that the enemy pieces are out to get you, but you decide that yourself. I think the softlock issues is part of how it is designed currently.

small problems in regulating modifiers like "increase opponent paddle and decrease opponent paddle" and double same mods, but overall nice mix of mods and pong. Flipped the screen and regretted it lol

finished the game, nice upgrade system, decent game time length to maxed out the game and finish

(2 edits)

got stuck on level 1 using Ctrl in the "- = -=-" level. I think it does clip in corners, happened to me twice.

Upside Down = hard

Upside Down + wind = even harder

Collapse ground = can make a level impossible, and kill the run

Meteor is fine

Nice gameplay mechanics, tho I get locked from one room and I can't go in anymore. The couch and the clock are sneaky bastards, shookt me

nice puzzle, graphics, and gameplay, but the character do get stuck sometimes I have to full reset

Nice puzzle, finished the game

28.99s, Drifting Game, the sound fits the graphics

My rat seizured after spinning it too much

graphics are nice, feels so fluid to play

great idea for a game, fun, my only problem is the item handling

very fun, I'm hooked, has also the same genre as our game

plays nice, an updated multiplayer version of this will be a fun party game

Ye, it's a "toy" for the children

Nuts! I didn't even get that far, lol I closed at 250, the enemy scaling is too slow for the player's scaling, enemies goes faster and tankier as the game goes so I think 500+ then is the hard limit. Though I am still updating the game, balancing that portion, better waves, nerfing the crowd and more kinds of enemies

(1 edit)

simple game, nice retro artstyle, reached level 11, score 710, fast af

Fun, plays like dumb ways to die, can't get past oven dial mini-game like most people

Fun, plays like dumb ways to die, can't get past oven dial mini-game like most people

I'm rolling I'm rolling I'm rolling