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A member registered Feb 18, 2014 · View creator page →

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OK Map centers on location of mission, re-rolling the mission re-rolls the location and re-centers the map.  Hope this helps.

Map can be a bit wonky though not always North South aligned.

New build might have new bugs.

My first attempt at an FPS style MV game?

ProcGen3DMV0.1a by Arowx for Metroidvania Month 21 -

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Well I managed to get the simplest FPS to nearly be a playable game.

Basically zombies moving in on the player and old school raycasting as a gun (DOOM original version).

No crosshairs or bullet counters but a score, also no shot delay mechanic and the no game over state.

Code weighs in around 878 characters

public class K:M{T t;float s=30f;List<t> z=new List<t>();int u=0;public U w;
void Start(){t=transform;t.position=v(0,1.5f,0); T g=c(Q.Plane,,v(100,0,100));
for (int i=0;i<100;i++){V p=A.insideUnitSphere+A.onUnitSphere*50f;p.y=0f;
T x=c(Q.Cube,p,v(1,2,1));"Z"+i;z.Add(x);}}T c(Q q,V p,V s){T n=G.CreatePrimitive(q).transform;
n.position=p;n.localScale=s;return n;}void Update(){float a=Time.deltaTime; float b=a*s;
t.Translate(v(i("H"),0,i("V"))*b);t.Rotate(v(0,i("X"),0)*b);V p=t.position;
foreach(T e in z){e.LookAt(p);e.Translate(V.forward*a);}
bool h=I.GetButton("F");R y=new R(p,t.forward);H j;List<t> d=new List<t>();
if(h&&P.Raycast(y,out j,100f)){T r=j.transform;if([0]=='Z'){d.Add(r);u+=10;}}
foreach(T f in d){z.Remove(f);G.Destroy(f.gameObject);}w.text="SCORE "+u;}
float i(string s){return I.GetAxis(s);}
V v(float x, float y, float z){return new V(x,y,z);}}

And that's with a lot of class name to character assignments and changes to the names of inputs.

//game expects to be on the default camera in a scene 
/* Need to rename Inputs   
* Horizontal to H  
* Vertical to V   
* Mouse X to X  
* Fire1 to F  
* w needs to link to a TextMeshProGUI label for the score  * 
using T = UnityEngine.Transform; 
using G = UnityEngine.GameObject; 
using V = UnityEngine.Vector3; 
using I = UnityEngine.Input; 
using R = UnityEngine.Ray; 
using H = UnityEngine.RaycastHit; 
using P = UnityEngine.Physics; 
using Q = UnityEngine.PrimitiveType; 
using A = UnityEngine.Random; 
using M = UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour; 
using U = TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI;

Unless I can find or figure out some other ways to reduce the size of the code base in C# or maybe write a wrapper API that does things via one character method calls not sure I could create an FPS in 500 characters in Unity.

The questing is should I submit this as an entry?

Got the suspicion that this will not be ready in time for the Jams deadline but having fun making it.

Menu screen.

Thanks for the feedback.  I have updated and branched to another game/tool with this so might be able to improve it further.

Going for a retro BASIC look of the code, what do you think?

WIP Mockup, a system as a set of nodes and programs running on those nodes.  To hack a system you create/launch programs to take over the nodes.

Oops didn't test for that, got a bit carried away in the 3d modelling or fun stage, fighters, dropships, golem style mechs, carriers, pill boxes.

Hopefully I'll get round to adding them in.

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If the bulbs have different colors then when you turn them on they would appear as that color, it could help solve the puzzle?

Maybe the base of the bulb could be it's color.

Great work, got a bit stuttery (sfx, frame rate) and glitchy around level 9.

The screen space used is a lot for a Web based game and reducing it but allowing full screen mode may help with performance.

Maybe a points allocation feature and other attributes could make for a more controllable weapon selection.

E.g. features unlock at 1,2,4,8,16 levels and each wave allows you to toggle 1,2,3 features.

And maybe other features e.g. shields, bombs, drones, special weapons, speed ect.

Great work.  Very frustrating game.  Could maybe use better music of a music off button.

Could colors be used to help people visually work out the patterns?

Great work.  Some of the menu items are hard to recognize so maybe you could have pictures and names of the ingredients on the sides.  e.g. Mustard / Cheese, different cheeses.

Nice work.  Seemed to get a bit slow or 'clunky' at times and the bullets sometimes went through walls and hit zombies sometimes not. (WebGL version).

Maybe run an optimization pass over the game e.g. is it pooling and re-used resources e.g. zombies/tiles or updating some things too much e.g. UI elements every frame.

Would have loved to be able to get into and drive the cars.

Gun seemed a bit too accurate for a starting weapon, but great potential to build up on the work you've done.

Maybe it could be more dramatic with a night time and torch light or foggy weather?

Yep buggy and needs more work. 

It is proc gen random each time so might keep things interesting?

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Enemy waves are appearing off the bottom of the screen where players cannot shoot them, this should be a simple fix once I find the buggy code?

Cheers I'll ask to see if I can fix this as a bug as it should make it a bit more fun.

Cheers.  I need to work on being able to add/create music and better sfx.

Some WIP screenshots...

It's working fine for me, tested in two browsers, you could try a different browser?

Thank you.  The robots should be a bit faster at moving and turning every level you progress.

I'm thinking of adding a shift/sprint speed boost at the cost of making some sound that the robots can detect/chase.

Thank You. Invisible otto was a bug that became a feature.  I was going to add him to the map, then thought it might be more fun if you just hear him.

Yeah, the movement could be faster, I will try that after the JAM. I found myself hitting the shift key to sprint maybe that could work so you can creep slowly or run fast and make a noise.

Great work.

Critical feedback:

Not sure what the spikey walls were doing?

Found it really hard to see and recognize the swivel buttons, maybe they could be larger and easier to see and shoot.

Rotating walls great idea but some way to differentiate the bit's that will move and rotate from static normal walls.

Otto was too evil and un-stunnable / unstoppable.

Great work.  I only tried the WebGL version and the main issue was the mouse not being limited or constrained to the webgl window.  You should be able to quickly fix this or even meta fix it by adding a full screen option to the pages settings.

Thank You. It should be random each time you play.  Although the exit can end up being too close to the player, or without robots in the way, something I should fix.

Using 3D models and terrain but the gameplay would be 2D.

Would that be OK? Give it a spin, just for feedback and last minute bug fixing, as voting not open yet.

Made a video, nearing completion.

Basic menu sceen.

Mini map as later levels the maze gets complex.

Still got quite a bit to do to get it looking good and fully working.  Don't expect much though as it's a very simple shooter.

Trying to make the walls look deadly.  

Got player shooting robots and robots chasing and shooting player.

Got a basic maze like setting a FPS style gun the robots and Otto modelled and basic movement of player working.

Surprised does not have a hidden Theme option/widget that will only show to the Theme text when the jam starts.

How hard would this feature be to add to and do you think this feature should be added?

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Did not work out how I though apparently dropping random things into a 6x6 dungeon just makes a mess.  Spent more time modelling than working on game mechanics.  Could have play tested the idea on paper first.  Unreleased.

Might give this another look later.

Did I spend too long on the menu and low poly 3d models, definitely.

Does it have an OS as BASIC was often a kind of OS for 8 bit computers where commands can load things into memory and run them?

Does it have it's own 8 Bit BASIC programming language?

Thanks for the great feedback.

I presume wicked means good.  But what about it don't you like?


Any feedback on how to improve it would be a great help?

WIP So please help by checking it out and providing feedback on what could make it better?

PS: Check back for updates.