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A. Stair climbing is for all intents and purposes non-functional. (it doesn't autoclimb the steps and 99 out of a hundred times jumping from step to step is auto-aborted for no legitimate reason)

B. Moving platforms should allow the player 'stick' to them. (made extra frustrating due to the aforementioned)

C. The physics puzzle in the first room with deliberate reset door doesn't seem to have a solved state. (behavior of ball (as if spork is always hanging [even after it's cut loose]) suggest that there is a state mismatch somewhere in the puzzle's coding)

Thank you for the feedback! This was my first 3D game. I'm obviously not very good at game design yet. I still want to make games in the future. I have a google doc where I keep all the feedback I've received (mostly from IRL friends), so your words will not be lost to the wind even though I don't plan to update Diamond Thief anymore.