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Thanks for the detailed answer!

I see how a community forum with categories would help split posts such as suggestions, bug reports and general comments and I guess I can add guidelines in some pinned post or something.

When you say “you can also ban people more flexibly”, you mean I could ban them from a specific category for instance? (e.g. cannot post general comments, but can still send bug reports; might be neat for people who spam in normal talk while still giving proper insight on the side?)

Looks like report is useful for normal users, and creators when they spot objective bad behavior or repeated issues from the same user.

The hide topic seems what I need. In my case I don’t want to lose the existing comments and maybe the game is not “big” enough to have a forum, but I’ll consider the community/directory system for my next one.

For now the issue is local so I guess I can handle it myself.

Yes, exactly! It's possible to ban people only from certain categories of a community. And it can be tricky to choose between a community and comments, but separating bug reports and suggestions from general chatter is a good use case for communities.