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A jam submission

BequeathView game page

An experimental Survivors-like with generational gameplay
Submitted by wzwy — 7 hours, 44 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Compatibility with idea#163.3753.375

Ranked from 8 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Did you included the image of the generated idea in the game's description?

What game engine did you use?

Did you worked solo or in team?

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i really like the premise of your game, it's a bummer you ran out of time but if you have any interest in continuing its development I think you should go for it! unfortunately i was only able to play one round at a time before having to refresh because the start round button grayed out, but the character feels nice and smooth to move and the enemy spawning is well-done. I like the enemy sword attack animation and associated sound effect and the pie graph filling up is an interesting way to convey level progress. Cool project and good luck with future dev stuff!!


Hey, thanks for checking the game out in spite of the bugs.

Yeah, I allocated 5 hours for testing and virtually 0 hour was actually spent on that. I'm indeed considering giving this idea some serious development time, but optimizing the end product might be hell especially if I want to emulate Vampire-survivors level of craziness lol. But there's no harm trying tho.

Good luck to you too!


Yeah, so sad, you didn't manage to complete the game, but that's what this jam was for! To get you out of the comfort zone and start developing a game! The idea is nice, the core mechanics is in, now onto further prototyping ;)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hi, yep definitely pushed my comfort zone a lot. Going from building a space invaders clone to a Survivors-like game is a hell of a leap, but I learned a lot and that's what matters.

And thank you very much for hosting this! It's less restrictive than other game jams so I find myself having little pressure making my game.


I think the concept behind this game is really neat! It's a cool spin on the genre. I like the tradeoff of fighting more guys or sending some to the village. I think that'd be a neat decision to make. Keep it up!


Glad you liked the concept!

And thank you very much for the encouragement.


the game crashed on me because too many monsters were spawning in lol, i didnt really see any indication that the hero was getting stronger from the genetics over time, and i didnt see any indication i was ever hitting them but i did really enjoy the game and i really enjoyed the concept of a generational survivors-style game.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, definitely not optimized lol. And I was planning to add some indication of being hit but didn’t manage.

Levelling up and all the genetics stuff I didn’t manage to complete because I spent most of my time on the basic combat mechanics. I underestimated the amount of effort needed lol.

Thank you for playing!


Cool concept, i get why it'd be hard to fully implement within the time frame, i still enjoyed a couple rounds

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you for the kind word. I am fairly new to Godot and I underestimated the amount of time needed to learn the engine and build a game at the same time.

I considered not submitting, but I did it anyway, so that the game will be a reminder for me to dedicate more hours to a game when I’m feeling ambitious.