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goblin knightView game page

Delving deeper into the abyss, your enemy reveals himself, a shambling husk of the knight he once was...
Submitted by LeafLight Studios — 8 minutes, 11 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Compatibility with idea#133.5003.500

Ranked from 12 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Interesting style and interesting mechanics! The combat system is nuanced, but the clarity of what is happening might use some improvement. In overall, it's a really interesting game that could evolve into something nice! Congratulations!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I really enjoy the aesthetics and music. I felt claustrophobic and being stuck in a small space with the enemy made it even more nerve-wracking; plus, the fitting music made me want to escape but I know there's no escape and the only path forward to kill the enemy. It's exceptionally immersive.

 I agree that the controls do feel experimental and I have no clue what I'm doing lol except trying to run away from the hostile knight. 

It's a great entry and probably one of the few games I've played that delving into the abyss feel like one.


This is a really neat and experimental concept! Like a lot of others have said, the controls took me a bit to grasp (I got everything except for how to tell if I was actually attacking correctly once I had locked on, but all the other controls made sense and worked for me if that helps to know). Super impressive work, especially for the time limit! The atmosphere is great; I loved turning around to find the knight emerge from the shadows to approach the player. The stats page and system is so cool!


There's a lot to like about this game, nice entry! The environment feels alive the music gives it a bit of an edge and the goblin model and castle textures work really well together. Love the model for the prayer statue too has a great aesthetic. The customizable player character was a really neat idea too it would make a great start to a larger rpg style game. Like others have said, my main complaints are the confusing game controls and fight mechanics. Sometimes I clicked a lot and it seemed to do damage, other times nothing happened, win/lose felt random and I couldn't tell any real difference between different character kits. I think you have a really good base of a game though, and if you want to keep developing it the aesthetic/music/models/etc. and customizable character system have a lot of promise!! Great entry!


i'm glad you liked it! yeah the sword not dealing damage was probably a result of hitting one of the goblin knight's armor pieces or weapons, although with the hitboxes as jank as they admittedly are it's extremely possible that it wasn't really your fault for not dealing damage. it definitely needs more time in the oven for the combat system lol.


Really like the concept and artstyle ! A little hard to understand the game's controls, especially at first, maybe an easier learning curve would help. But you can tell a lot of hard work has gone into it, nice job !


pretty spooky I love your artstyle so much and low bit music adds to the low graphics of the game but it still lags my none graphics card pc I don't know if the walls had Noise it might've been the cause, still keep on doing the artstyle and vibe it really feels awesome!!.


I love the concept and I hope you keep developing it. It was kind of hard to tell whether i was doing good or not. Some kind of indication of when I'm being hit and when the enemy is being hit, like sounds and visuals for impacts might be cool. Also some kind of health bar because whether i won or lost i was surprised by the feeling of suddenly being at the end.  I was really excited to be able to choose my stats and gear. I played a multiple runs to see how different stats would affect things. It feels like as you develop the system different enemies with different stats and gear layouts would affect what kind of gear and stats you might want. I like the visual style, it has a weird retro future medieval tron vibe. 


glad you liked it and tried out different build types! i did want to have more than one enemy but of course time constraints limited that greatly. goblin knight 2 perhaps, or maybe just something with similar controls


It took me some time to figure out that I need to equip items from the stats menu rather than going bare-fisted with the boss. 

Things I liked

  • the atmosphere and art style
  • the stats menu was better than I would have expected from a gamejam game
  • the amount of work and soul put in the game
  • (biased bc Godot) the fact that you made a 3D game in godot

Things that didn't sit well with me

  • I almost gave up at some point because I did not understand how to equip items
  • (nitpick) it would have been nice to see a health bar for the boss

the health bar is a fair nitpick! a number does pop up on the top right for the bosses health but that's only while locked on, and the confusion oj equipment is super fair too, i think i might make a video tutorial to go with the project because it can be kinda tough to grasp on the first several passes. thanks for giving it a shot!


This is really impressive for a solo project! There's some really nice atmosphere and modelling going on here. I love the UI on the stat selector too. It's a super clean looking screen. I'm also really impressed that you were able to make and add music. I think if there was a bit more clarity in the game mechanics it would really tie the whole experience together. Really cool!


thanks for giving it a shot, it's really rough like i said and i wish i could've given an in depth tutorial but i couldn't fit it in the time limit. the stat screen was something i was really proud of, especially with it coming in the last 3 hours of working on the game lol, glad you liked it too.


i really love the concept but maybe add more explaination in game about the stats and how to play like a little tutorial (i may be ask too much) but the gameplay is fun after understand it i'll love to have a pvp in this game


that was my plan actually for the future, to expand on the mechanics for a pvp type game. and yeah i intended to have a tutorial to explain everything but i really just ran out of time on this one. i'm glad you gave it the chance to get the hang of it and enjoy it!