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Time SeekView game page

Use your time rewinding machine to progress through the forest in this fast-paced arcade platformer !
Submitted by Sleepisdying, antiNT (@soulthiefgame), AxelRueda — 1 day, 11 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#224.2304.230

Ranked from 87 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
You can rewind time towards different ages (Stone Age, Middle Age...) and take advantage of each time period's particularities to progress through a forest.

Did you write most of the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
All the code was made from scratch by one programmer (antiNT) and all the graphical assets and animations by two artists (Sleepisdying and AxolotoRH). The music and sounds were mostly from Opengameart except the main theme.

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Very good game. The mechanics worked perfectly, the art and sound were very nice. I enjoyed the different gameplay styles of each age/character. Great job.


Great game, good work.


Truly an amazing game, really good level design, stunning visual effects and sprites for every Age, amazing music and sound design. Really impressive for a 1-Week Game Jam. Amazing Job!


This was overall amazing great job!


Great game! Enjoyed it a lot!

Got a bit stuck but you can watch the stream here: 


Thanks for playing the game ! 


Wow, thats such a good game. Liked the artwork, music choice and especially the main concept. Feels great to control player. Good job!


I liked the aesthetics and the rewind feature was a nice twist. Good job.

Could you please play and rate my game as well?


5 stars all the way through!

What I enjoyed:

  • Level selection music is a mix of harp, trap and retro
  • Gun recoil and sound is awesome (extra recoil when jumping is also cool)
  • Graphics jump twice the bits as you advance in ages, also the background are nicer
  • Love the sound change that accompany it as well
  • Weapons changes through ages
  • Nice puzzle element in the game 
  • It felt like playing 3 games in one game (got confused sometimes though)


  • Monsters also get upgraded weapons like player
  • Sometimes it was very difficult as you had to change ages in quick successions 
  • health packs would also be a great addition at later levels (more you advance ages better health kits gets)


  • Sometimes characters clip to the walls while jumping or firing but that's a minor issue

I'm glad to have played your game guys. I can tell you are very experienced devs. If you have some free time please check out my submission, my team is pretty new to game dev so will appreciate the feedback we can get.  


i liked the art and the controls but it wasnt unique and there are other games with the same concept


Thank you for your feedback ! Would you mind showing us games that use the same concept ?

Submitted here btw i didnt said it for your bad i just said my opinion if theres any problem im sorry


Sorry, but I played Dewind and this game is nothing like Time Seek. Dewind is about having your character devolve into a caveman or evovle into a cyborg with a timer based bar. In Time Seek, you can time travel at will, and not only your weapon and abilities change, the world around you changes as well, including the background decoration (the car becomes a medieval cart when you go to the middle age). Furthermore, to reflect the impression of time travel we decided to make all the graphical assets in 3 different resolutions, this concept is very unique and is not found in Dewind. Maybe you didn't play Time Seek enough ? Dewind and Time Seek might seem similar at first glance, but in reality, these games are nothing alike.


the player changes like so the idea wasnt enough unique and there are other games that do it so its not unique but its a  nice game 


This game looks really cool, the pixel art is charming and the concept is well interpreted for the theme, REALLY NICE JOB!


This game was amazing! I loved all of the details that went into making this game from the music and graphics changing era to the different abilities being used to solve puzzles. Really great work with this one, well done.


I love the tree different eras and how the art style gets more detailed as you go. Great fluid controls, except it was a little bit tricky "aiming" for the correct era with the right analog stick.


Thanks for the feedback ! Like I said earlier to someone else we'll change the controls for the controller to use the shoulder buttons instead after the jam.


One of the best games of the jam so far. My sincere congratulations and keep it up.



This may be my favourite game of the jam so far. Everything feels really good and the time mechanic is clever!


Pretty good, game ! I enjoyed the theme and the gameplay was well-made!

(1 edit)

Speedran and won within 10 15 minutes :)


That's so cool ! We're glad you enjoyed the game

I finally won


The best I've played so far, I'd love to see this further developed after the jam's done! Gongratulations to the team


Amazing! Really good gamefeel, shooting and jumping feels great. The different pixel art styles all look fantastic. This deserves to win the jam.




just amazing, best one i played so far :) only issue i found was sometime with the gun knockback the character got stuck on a wall


Thank you ! Were you completely stuck or were you able to unstuck yourself ?


i was able to move away easily, it wasn't actually in the wall, just "standing on air" on the wall edge


I'll look into that after the jam, thanks.

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