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[Programmer] Experienced developer looking for a challenging project

A topic by David Byttow created Jul 06, 2020 Views: 448 Replies: 5
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(1 edit)

Hello, I'm an experienced programmer/engineer and have about 20 years of experience in the tech industry. I spent the first 7 years of my career working on console/PC games at The Collective/Double Helix Games and have credits to about 6 titles. Since then, I went to work at places like Google, Snapchat, Postmates, and had a couple of my own companies. (You can read more at my Wikipedia or on the Google if you care :).

I'm interested in teaming up with an artist (or small team) to build something (either Unreal or Unity is fine) and spend my free time jumping into. I have my own ideas of games (typically action and/or RPG-oriented), but open to other directions. I'm also open to joining an established team with a game in development.

Things that are important to me:

  • Prototyping and building on a solid foundation
  • Reducing scope whenever possible
  • Iterating quickly

If you're interested, drop a line here or hit me up on Discord at counterpoint#0101


Hi, would you mind if I added you for future reference or just to chat? I am a game artist and aspiring dev looking to meet new people in the industry, and would like to talk!


Hi David, 

I have recently set up a team to develop a game called Beach Rescue - Bondi. You play one of 4 lifeguards on Bondi Beach, Australia and have to complete a series of missions. So far on the team we have a writer who has written for shows on Broadway, a couple of programmers/developers and an artist/animator. I am looking for an experienced programmer as the game is going to have some complex elements (3D adventure style game missions, strategy-type missions and interactive cut-scene animations). 

You can get a feel for the game from our website: 

Please let me know if you would be interested in joining the team and I can fill you in on some more details.

Many thanks,



I couldn't even dl UE without getting an error.

Hello, my name is Zhou Shihai. We are an independent game team from China. I designed a deep reinforcement learning reward mechanism that mimics real human emotions. In effect, the agent seems to have an astrolabe. Players can combine the astrolabe (actually, data charts, etc.) to analyze the agent’s behavioral motives and emotional changes, thereby increasing the interaction between the player and the agent (although the astrolabe analysis of fate is not scientifically based, but The ideas inside can be used for reference).

The core gameplay is that through data visualization interaction, players can influence the action strategy adopted by the agent by using props or changing their behavior.

The game content includes two major pieces.
The first piece of content is gameplay and plot, 3D character action adventure, 2D background (there is actually not much new in this piece of content).
The second piece of content is the AI module, based on deep learning, including AI driver code, AI code emotional data and the visual interaction of the player, and deep learning visual component drag programming three game content.

Currently, our program team only has one program that uses spare time to produce the first piece of content. I would like to invite you to join our team responsible for the second piece of content.

The above content comes from Google Translate, there may be grammatical problems, please forgive me.

I could try downloading Unity. See if I get an error or not. But I'm only a artist in the sense of world building.