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High Cost of Living

A topic by Hodslate created Nov 20, 2023 Views: 146 Replies: 1
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How are Devs finding the high cost of living?

Are you developing more? Or less?

Are gamers turning to indie gaming or are they happy to fork out a lot more for for AAA?

Are you working longer hours to make ends meet? Or are you coasting through unscathed?

Be interested to see how people are travelling.  Are you finding development not financially viable anymore or are you killing it?

Has gaming taken a backseat whilst you deal with other pressures?

If a dev is struggling let's help them out!


Thankfully I have a reliable income from my day job (chemical lab worker) and can do gamedev when and how I want.

I've removed all payment options. Too much paperwork for a few $.

If a game gains traction in a big way then I'll reconsider.