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Is there anything possible to work on mobile?

A topic by Pack of rats created Jan 05, 2023 Views: 218 Replies: 3
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hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me by experience or just in general if there's any good  developing  apps for android i don't have laptop or computer and I was wondering so I could work up to upgrading?


In theory you could develop games with mobile version of TIC-80 (a fantasy console), but it's a pain (I've tried when my computer broke few years back and was left with nothing). Other than that, I don't know of any good gamedev environments for Android, sorry.

You really should get a cheap laptop that's modern enough to run Windows 10 and has basic dedicated GPU. When my computer broke after few months of saving I got an used Asus ux32vd (was cheap, though about 10 years old at the time) with an i5 and GTX660M. Not very good for gaming, but good enough to develop some games on, at least simple ones.

thanks I'll look into it even if it's crappy tec and ya I get he struggle with a Asus I had one and the charger went out on me and I couldn't replace it 


If you want to develop apps for Android but don't have a computer or laptop, don't worry! There are plenty of app development tools and resources available for Android devices. You can use app builder tools like AppyBuilder or MIT App Inventor, or you can learn a programming language like Java or Kotlin and use an app like AIDE or DroidEdit to write and test your code. Keep in mind that app development can be challenging, but with dedication and hard work, you can create something amazing. maybe one day you'll be able to upgrade to a fancy computer or laptop

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