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Making a Game from Scratch

A topic by Thee_House created Dec 21, 2022 Views: 263 Replies: 3
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Hello. I have no experience in making video games and basically have no skill in coding, graphics, etc. If I were interested in hiring a developer to make a game, what reputable companies are there I could speak with? Thank you

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Your best bet is probably to look for freelancers; Search around game development groups (such as game development-related hash tags on Twitter, or even for people who are open for freelancing and who’s work you like the look of. Even if someone doesn’t explicitly say they’re a freelancer but you like their work, nothing’s stopping you from reaching out to them and asking if they’re interested.

I agree with quou, freelancing is the best option to look for game devs and graphic designers

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Reputable game development mean like Kongregate or talk to a first party studio. It may also be a good idea to go to Digipen or Full Sail and have a conversation. No matter what, the more important question is what are your budgets? Money, time, equity, current team, your market, and your SWOT.